Chapter 11

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We then cut to the UA sports festival to see Izuku dashing past everyone at top speeds using 11% full cowling.

Izuku: "Ok... At this pace, I should be able to get first place." Izuku said as he kept running, ignoring all the 0 pointers that came his way.

Todoroki: "Geez, when did midoriya get so fast?" Todoroki said as he was sliding on his Ice trying to catch up to Izuku.

Bakugo: "It's impressive, At this rate, he's going get first place!" Bakugo said, complimenting Izuku for his speed.

Todoroki: "Whatever..." Todoroki said as he tried to slow down bakugo, only for it to not work.

Izuku then reaches the landmines.

Izuku: "Ok, speed won't be useful here, I'll have to be careful." Izuku said as he jumps his way over and around the landmines as quickly and efficiently as possible.

After a few minutes, Todoroki and bakugo arrived, and as they were about to go over the mines, Izuku crosses the finish line and gets first place.

Present Mic: "AAAAND CLASS 1-AS IZUKU MIDORIYA HAS TAKEN FIRST PLACE!! THESE FIRST YEARS ARE SOMETHING ELSE!" Present Mic announces in his usual over-the-top tone of voice, much to the annoyance of Aizawa.

Izuku: "Alright, time to use this opportunity take a break, and-" he then gets cut off by Everyone else arriving after him. In the end, Todoroki ended up getting 2nd place and bakugo in 3rd.

Izuku: "Never mind then." Izuku said while sighing in disappointment.

-Cut to you and chara.-

Chara: "How long till we get there?" Chara asked while jumping across the City.

Y/n: "Around an hour or so. From our house, this place is pretty far away." You said while also jumping across the city.

Chara: "Man, If only we could fly..." Chara said while crying anime tears.

Y/n: "Im sure we'll get the ability to fly eventually, we just have to be patient." You said to chara while patting her head.

Chara: "Alright..." Chara said, still sad that she couldn't fly.

-Cut back to UA.-

Midnight: "Alright! Time to spin the wheel and see what We'll get next!" Midnight said as she spun the wheel, It ended up landing on The calvary battle.

(A/n: I didn't like the calvary battle so im skipping, Izuku held on to his 10 million point headband until the end.)

Present Mic: "ALRIGHT! THE CALVARY BATTLE WAS INTENSE, BUT TEAM MIDORIYA GOT FIRST PLACE!!" Present Mic shouted into the mic as everyone cheered.

Present Mic: "AND BECAUSE THE CALVARY BATTLE WAS SO INTENSE, THE STUDENTS WILL GET AN HOUR BREAK PERIOD!! GO EAT, SLEEP, or do some other things WHILE YOU HAVE THIS PERIOD, SEE YOU IN AN HOUR!!" Present Mic announced to everyone while he and Aizawa leave.

Izuku: 'An hour break huh? Well I better use this time to rest a bit, my muscles are aching.' Izuku said while stretching his arms and legs.

Everyone then went off to separate directions, most off to rest, but some wanted to train.

Bakugo then stops and feels a sudden chill down his spine, He then starts to shake in his boots a bit as he thinks to himself.

Bakugo: 'What the hell... Why am I so scared? Why do I feel like...' Bakugo then has a flashback to when he first met you, and the sheer terror he felt when he did.

Bakugo: 'Is he... Nah no way! He may have been creepy as hell but he wouldn't try to attack UA... Right?' Bakugo thinks to himself, having a bad feeling that you would try to pull something.

Izuku then notices bakugo, shaking and sweating, he then goes over to him to try and calm his nerves.

Izuku: "Hey Kacchan, why you so nervous?" Izuku says to Bakugo, curious as to why he is so nervous.

Bakugo: "I-Its nothing man, Im fine!" Bakugo says as he walks away, still shaking and sweating.

Izuku: 'He's not fine, He's nervous about something. But what could it be? Could it be that he's nervous that he'll lose? No, it can't be that, He isn't the type of guy to get nervous like this... Could it be the competition? No, it can't be that either... He isn't cocky like he used to be but he wouldn't be scared of the competition...' Izuku continues to mind boggle about why Bakugo would be scared until he came to one conclusion.

Izuku: "Could he be thinking about... The bastard that shook him up so badly?' Izuku thought to himself as he clenched his fist in anger.

Izuku: 'I swear... Whoever did that... Is gonna pay dearly.' Izuku thought to himself as his eyes glowed a dark green for a split second.

Izuku then walks to his locker room, but in a worse mood than before.

-Timeskip 1 hour.-

We cut to everyone in the Arena, waiting for Midnight to spin the wheel.

Midnight: " Alright everyone! Time to spin the wheel and see what Event will come next!" Midnight then spins The wheel, It ends up landing on One versus One battle.

Midnight: "And the next event shall be One versus One! And the first match shall be-" But before she could finish, Two people interrupt her.

Y/n & Chara: "Sorry, you're gonna have to put this fun little event of yours on hold for a while!" You and Chara said.

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