Chapter 9

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Overhaul: 'Interesting? What the hell does he meaning Interesting?' Overhaul asked himself, now panicking internally.

Eri: "Please... Dont let him take me..." Eri asked tearfully while clinging to you harder.

You, seeing how scared Eri is of Overhaul, reminded you of how scared you were of your parents.


Dad: "Hey, Creepy brat! Get your ass down here!" Your dad shouted at you as you heard the sounds of glass breaking

Y/n: 'Is he gonna hit me again? I hope he doesn't hit me again, I can't handle sharp attacks from those beer bottles I constantly see him drinking from' you thought to yourself fearfully as you went downstairs, only to be surprise attacked by your mother.

Mom: "Got his Ass!" Your mom shouted in victory as your dad and mom kept attacking you for several minutes straight. From cutting, stabbing, to just bare-knuckle beating, they got creative.

After they were done, they spat on you and left. Not after taunting you first.

Dad: "Geez Creepy brat, I dont even know why we didn't get rid of you the day you were born." He said as he left.

Mom: "Yeah, I can't even look at you in the eye. Your appearance unsettles me to a great degree." She said while mock vomiting, earning a laugh from your father.

As they began to leave, you were thinking to yourself.

Y/n: 'Why? Why are people like this allowed to exist? This shouldn't happen They shouldn't be allowed to exist any longer.' You thought to yourself why grabbing your hair in pure rage.

Y/n: 'WHY? WHY IS THIS HAPPENING?! ARE PEOPLE LIKE THIS REAL? WHY CAN'T THEY JUST DIE ALREADY? WHY DO I HAVE TO GO THROUGH THIS?' You thought to yourself as you nearly rip your hair out from pulling it so much, then an idea pops into your head.

Y/n: 'Thats it! If people like this won't stop existing, then I'll wipe them all out! No humans, No Assholes like these!' You thought to yourself while calming down after having a sudden epiphany.

Y/n: 'That can't happen now, I know that I'll have to put up with this a little while longer, But eventually...' You then have an evil grin on your face, as you think to yourself: 'Everyone in this putrid world will face annihilation.' You then dust yourself off, as you head up to your room, with a happy look on your face.

But little did you know, Tomorrow would be the day that humanity's countdown to annihilation began.

-flashback over-

You were pissed, absolutely livid at what you're seeing. You were looking at the very reason that you wanted to wipe out humanity, People like him torturing people like Eri.

Little did you know, you were unintentionally releasing killer intent, knocking out people in the vicinity, and scaring overhaul shitless.

Overhaul: 'S-Shit! What the hell did I say?! Is he pissed because of Eri?' Overhaul's mind boggles, trying to find a way to get out of the situation that he found himself in.

You then dash toward overhaul, and chop him on the neck, knocking him out. You then slice his hands off and use his blood to write the Anti Human symbol along with another message, saying: Your Time is running out, day by day, Annihilation is coming closer. You then inject a little bit of hatred into overhaul, intending to test something. Then you stop writing and take Eri and teleport home.

-Cut to you arriving home-

Y/n: "Hey Chara! Im home!" You call out for chara, as she comes downstairs and brings your head into her bountiful chest.

Chara: "Hi y/n~." she says while rubbing your head, then noticing Eri.

Chara: "Why'd you bring a kid here?" She asked curiously.

You then don an angry look on your face, as you begin to speak.

Y/n: "I saw her running away from a guy in a bird mask, And as you can see, she has bandages on her. She was most likely being experimented on for some reason." You explained to chara, while also making her angry.

Charas' eyes then glow a deeper red than before, scaring Eri a bit. Seeing eri scared, she calmed down and began to speak.

Chara: "So kid, what's your name?" Chara asked while patting her head, making Eri flinch at first, but slowly ease into it. Eri then begins to yawn from getting her head patted, making Chara squeal from cuteness.

Eri: "M-My name is Eri." she said timidly.

Chara: "Well Eri, My name is Chara, And he is y/n!" Chara introduced herself in a cheerful tone, trying to cheer Eri up.

You then put Eri down and began to walk away, before she grabs your pant leg with a scared look on her face. She didn't want to see her savior leave.

You understand what she meant, picked her up again, making her remove the sad look on her face and replacing it with a happier one.

Y/n: "So Eri... Want something to eat? If so whaddya like?" You asked eri, making her smile widely.

Eri: "YES! And I like Candy Apples!" Eri said while smiling the greatest smile to ever grace mankind.

Y/n: "Candy Apples huh? Alright, Wait here." You said to Eri, making her jump with joy.

But before you could go to make the candy apples, Eri begins to speak.

Eri: "So... Will you be my new Mama and Papa?" Eri asked Innocently.

-Timeskip 1 day.-

Tsukauchi: "This is bad... This situation is only getting worse." Tsukauchi said not at the still knocked out overhaul, But the message on the wall written above the knocked out Overhaul.

All Might: "Oh man... These people are serious." All might said in a worried tone, Seeing a Villain capable of taking down Not only All for One, Someone even he would struggle to fight against, But also Overhaul. In terms of physical strength and speed, All might is leagues above Overhaul. But in terms of quirks, Being able to Insta kill anyone just by touching them is no joke. And seeing someone take him down with No destruction around whatsoever should be Taken Seriously.

Nighteye: "Damn it! Whoever took down overhaul most likely took Eri with them too!" Nighteye said angrily. Now, these villains not only had her incredibly powerful quirk in their possession, but they could also put their Ideals in her head.

All Might: "Wait... Overhaul isn't dead, Maybe he saw what the villain looked like?" All Might suggested, leaving Tsukauchi stunned.

Tsukauchi: "You're right! I didn't even think of that!" Tsukauchi said to All might.

All Might: "Well then, Let's wait for him to wake up then." All Might said as the cops loaded overhaul into the back of the truck.

The cops then drive away, leaving All Might and Nighteye to go back to UA.

We then cut back to the back of the truck, and without anyone watching over overhaul, His hair turns a black color, along with his eyes. His veins also turn a black color.

???: "So it worked... This makes things way more fun." You said through Overhaul's body.

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