Chapter 14

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Destruction... That was All that anyone could see. That attack you and chara launched was more devasting than anyone could have imagined.

And MANY ended up dying to that attack. The heroes that died ended up being, Midnight, Hawks, All might, and Snipe. The STUDENTS who ended up dying were Aoyama, Mineta, Kaminari, Sato, Koda, and Sero. The rest were severely injured. On this day, Japan was tossed into more chaos than any other villain has caused. Ever.

-Cut to You and Chara.-

Y/n: "Well Chara, that was fun." You said to chara, referring to that massive attack you yeeted at the heroes.

Chara: "Hell Yeah it was! I wondered who died though..." Chara said curiously.

Eri: "PAPA AND MAMA WERE SO COOL! YOU WERE LIKE *BOOM* AND THEY WERE LIKE *POW* AND EVERYONE WAS LIKE *AHHH* AND THERE WERE EXPLOSIONS EVERYWHERE IT WAS SO AWESOME!!" Eri said so fast that you could barely hear her, but you could tell that she was happy, which made you happy.

Y/n: "Im glad to see you happy Eri. That smile is what gives me strength." You said as you smiled at Eri and patted her head.

Eri: "So when the next time you will attack them?" Eri asked wanting to see more explosions.

Y/n: "For now, we'll let things cool down and see what happens. I want to let the feeling of doom set in before I swoop in to finish them off." You said to Eri while having an evil smile, Making Eri imitate your evil smile, or for it to not look evil, but cute as all hell.

Chara: "Alright Kiddo, in the meantime, why dont we chillax and watch a movie? A family night would be nice." Chara suggested, making both you and eri agree almost instantly.

Eri: "YAY! MOVIE NIGHT! MOVIE NIGHT!" Eri said while jumping up and down in excitement.

-Timeskip 1 day.-

Japan was in a state of chaos, people were rioting the streets, Buildings were blowing left and right, The hope and trust in heroes plummeted IMMENSELY. And things were especially bad for UA.

Nezu was currently doing everything he could to keep UA running, He used all of the cards in his deck, And by pure luck, He managed to convince the hero association to not shut down UA, things were bad as is and they didn't need any more things to deal with.

Government worker: "Keep this in mind Nezu, the ONLY reason we keep UA uo and running is because of all the stuff thats going on currently. If we were to shut down this place that would only cause more damage, So we'll let this slide for now." The worker said as he got up and left, leaving a sweaty Nezu sighing in relief.

Nezu: "Man... That was close." Nezu said while wiping sweat from his forehead.

Aizawa: "So what exactly are we gonna do? Those bastards killed Most of the Top ranking heroes, along with cutting the count on our students down immensely. Over 60% of our students have left for other schools. Let me also add that most of the other teachers are dead as well. How could we possibly bounce back from this?" Aizawa asked worriedly.

Nezu: "Honestly, Im stumped. There are only 2 possible ways this could end, Either with the extinction of humanity Or some miracle happens that allows us to win." Nezu said, completely lost as to how to beat you and Chara.

Nezu: "Also, Go back to recovery girls' office, You're not fully healed yet. I can tell just by looking at you that you are struggling to hold yourself together." Nezu said slightly smugly, as Aizawa collapses to the ground, passing out.

-Cut to class 1-a in recovery girls' office.-

Recovery girl: "Geez, This is bad, REAL BAD." Recovery girl said while looking at everyone in class 1-a.

Darken the World (Malereader x BNHA) [COMPLETE]Where stories live. Discover now