Chapter 23

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We currently see You and Chara above the Military base, preparing to blow it up with one attack.

Y/n: "Alright Chara, we're high enough." You said as you summoned your knife.

Chara: "Say less." Chara said as she also summoned her knife.

You and chara then joined knives, charging up a massive hate ball, After around a minute of charging, you and Chara send it down at the base.

-Cut to the base.-

As Sans was eating, he suddenly feels a massive surge of energy above them, He recognizes the energy as yours and charas.

Sans: "EVERYONE, GET OUT!" Sans said as he summons a massive blaster and fires it at the hate ball just before it touches the ground.

The clash creates a massive explosion in the air, creating a massive shockwave that makes several buildings collapse.

As the dust clears, we see You and Chara on the ground standing in front of a slightly winded sans.

Y/n: "Wow, You're the first person to block our attack. Thats pretty impressive." You said slightly surprised.

Sans: "*Hah* Geez Kiddo, You sure know how to start a battle." Said the tired skeleton.

Chara: "Hey... Why do I feel like I've seen him before?" Said chara, having the creeping feeling that she knows the skeleton.

Y/n: "Does it matter if you know him? Let's just kill him already." You said impatiently.

Chara: "I guess it doesn't." Chara said while shrugging.

You and Chara then charge at sans, Preparing to slash him down, but sans just teleports out of the way and fires 3 blasters at you, they hit you and manage to do a bit of damage but nowhere near the damage that the cannon did.

You and Chara then dash at Sans once more, trying to land a hit on him, but he just keeps dodging, Pissing you and chara off. Sans then uses his telekinesis to send you and Chara away into a pile of rubble.

Chara: "Ok... This guy is REALLY annoying." Chara said while getting up.

Y/n: "Hmm... Maybe instead of attacking him physically, we use range?" You said to chara.

Chara: "Yeah, Let's try that." Chara said as she prepared to attack.

You and Chara then start sending Red slashes and hate lasers at sans, But Sans just keeps blocking and dodging.

After several minutes of sans dodging and you attacking, you and Chara get sick of him and stop attacking.

Y/n: "QUIT DODGING ALREADY!" You shouted, having enough of Sans' dodging.

Sans: "Wow, you sure are... HATEFUL!" Sans said while smirking.

You and chara just stand there, completely baffled that Sans would crack a joke at a time like this. But Sans just stares at you, pointing at you with his hands in a finger gun motion and grinning.

Sans: "Get it? Because just by looking at you I can tell that your a-" You then cut him off by sending a laser at him, nearly hitting him.

Sans: "Geez... KNIFE to meet you too..." Sans said, cracking another joke, taking you and chara aback again.

You just breathe in, and breathe out, trying your damnedest to not get pissed. You then grab Charas's hand and lend her some of your hate, making her take on a darker appearance. You then also take on the same appearance as chara.

You and chara then just stare at sans, with hateful glares, But not making sans scared in the slightest.

Sans: "Oh cmon, Why so mad? You're looking at me with such HATEFUL-" You and chara then cut him off by moving at speeds that he couldn't keep up with. Hitting him, and bringing him to his boney knees.

Sans: "Alright... Guess It wasn't that funny..." Sans said as he slowly bleeds out.

Y/n: "It wasn't." You said to sans in a slightly angry tone.

Sans: "I guess you could say, you two HATED my jokes!" Sans said as he turns to dust.

Chara: "THAT STUPID FUCKING SKELETON! HE WAS DYING AND HE STILL CRACKED A STUPID JOKE! I FUCKING HOPE HE'S BURNING IN THE DEEPEST PITS OF-" You then cut Chara off by kissing her on the lips, she is still trying to shout profanities but after a few seconds, she melts into it.

But you take it a step further and pull her closer toward you, Chara then puts her arms around your head and jumps on you, putting her legs around your torso.

After a few minutes of making out you break apart.

Y/n: "Better?" You asked her while patting her head.

Chara: "Better." Chara said while hugging you, implying that she was thankful for cheering her up.

Chara then jumps off you, but not before pecking you and the last one more time.

Chara: "Now cmon, Let's blow this country sky and move on." Chara said while walking away.

-Timeskip 2 years.-

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