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It has been 2 whole years, And during that time, you and Chara have completely wiped out humanity, No one was spared. They tried fighting back but they didn't get even get close to the amount of damage you sustained while attacking America. Yous and Charas level has reached a total of 10 thousand.

In the present time, we see you, chara, and an 8-year-old Eri looking around for wedding stuff.

Y/n: "CHARA! You find anything yet?!" You shouted at chara.

Chara: "NO! I can't find anything in all this damn rubble. We should've taken some stuff before we destroyed everything!!" Chara shouted angrily.

Y/n: "Eri! Any luck?!" You shouted at Eri, wanting to know if she has found at least a suit yet.

Eri: "NO! I can't even move this rubble!" Eri said while struggling to move a big rock.

Y/n: "Geez... How are we gonna do this?" You said to yourself while struggling to find a way to see Chara at a wedding in a wedding dress, then a thought came to your mind.

Y/n: "Wait a second... Chara, Eri, Come here!" You shouted for Chara and Eri, making them come toward you.

Eri: "You find something papa?" Eri asked tiredly, struggling to lift her arms.

Chara: "Please tell me you either had a genius idea or have found something!" Chara asked while praying.

You then sit down and begin to speak.

Y/n: "I have a genius Idea, You know how when I give you some of my hatred it turns part of your black? Well... What if I were to shape it Into a wedding dress..?" You said to chara and Eri.

Chara and Eri just look at each other dumbly before finally beginning to speak.

Eri: "You're a genius papa!" Eri said while leaping at you and hugging you.

Eri: "I can finally stop lifting rocks!" Eri said while crying anime tears.

Chara then gets straight to the point and begins to straddle you and make out with you, much to the disapproval of Eri.

Eri: "Ew... Mama and Papa are gross." Eri said while walking away.

You and Chara just look at her for a second before getting back to your make-out session. You, being the opportunist, Grope her huge chest eagerly.

Even after 2 years of being together and wiping out humanity together, you could never get over how attractive she was, and she's only gotten more attractive over the 2 years.

Chara: "Wow y/n... Didn't know you were so eager to touch me... Even after 2 years you still can't get over how perfect I am huh?~." Chara said while forcing her head into her bountiful chest, much to your pleasure.

You then start putting her hands all over her firm, plump ass, The way that your fingers just sink into it gives you a feeling like nothing else.

Then, Your member suddenly starts poking Chara, making her laugh a bit.

Chara: "Dont be so impatient my dear sweet y/n~ After we're married, we'll go 'plus ultra'" Chara said, using an Old term from Japan.

You and Chara then get up and Chara begins to speak.

Chara: "Well, I dont wanna keep you from trying at your Creation theory. So get to it as fast as possible Kay?~ And also, I want lingerie~" Chara said while grinding her bountiful ass against your rigid member as motivation.

She then leaves, but while she's walking away she makes sure to sway her hips, teasing you and making you even more excited.

-Timeskip 3 days.-

Darken the World (Malereader x BNHA) [COMPLETE]Where stories live. Discover now