Chapter 21

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We Cut to you and Chara walking around in the ruins of Japan, screwing around, until...

Y/n: "Wait for a second... Chara! How the hell are we gonna get to the other countries?!" You yelled at Chara from a different pile of rubble.

Chara: "Wait... Your right, How ARE we gonna get around? We STILL CAN'T EVEN FLY!!" Chara shouted with anger, still very pissed that she cant fly.

Y/n: "Cmon, We gotta think! There has to be some way to get around!" You shouted at Chara as you racked your brain for an answer until an idea came to mind.

Y/n: "CHARA! I have an Idea!" You shouted at chara, getting her attention as you walked toward her.

Chara: "You have something? Well, Spill it already!" Chara said, getting impatient.

Y/n: "You know how we channel energy through our knives to make giant energy bombs and lasers right?" You question chara.

Chara: "Yeah? What does that have to do with anything?" Chara questioned, not knowing what you were getting at.

Y/n: "Well... What if we channeled that to our feet? Maybe If we do that we'll be able to fly??" You said to chara, making her finally realize what you meant.

Chara: "You're a genius! Why didn't I think of that sooner!!" Chara said while banging her head on a wall.

Chara then stops banging her head on the wall, as she gets an idea in her head, she then saunters over to you, Confusing you a bit.

She then stops when she is right in front of you, confusing you even more, And then she grabs your face and brings you into an aggressive but passionate kiss, you were caught off guard by this as she did it out of nowhere but you sure as hell wouldn't refuse it, so you melt into the kiss.

After several minutes of kissing and the grabbing of certain assets, you and chara separate to gather your breath. Then you speak.

Y/n: "So... What was that for?" You ask chara.

Chara: "That was for your Idea." Chara said while rubbing her mouth.

Y/n: "But we haven't even tested it yet, and we dont even know if it'll work." You retorted to Chara.

Chara: "Not the point. Anyway, let's get to practice this. I wanna touch the clouds!" Chara said while trying to focus her determination on her feet.

You then go off to another area and try to focus your hatred on your feet, it works and you go off the ground slightly, but it's not that impressive.

Y/n: "Argh! This is gonna be hard!" You said while ruffling through hair angrily.

-Timeskip 2 months.-

Both you and Chara were at it, every single day trying to master flight. It was REALLY, REALLY hard. Trying to focus your ungodly amount of energy for long enough to travel thousands of miles. It was easy to focus it on your knife because you would turn it on, send an attack, and turn it off. But for this, you had to maintain that for long, LONG time.

But, after 2 hellishly painful months, you managed to partially master it. You could fly for around a day and a half maximum before your legs would give out. Speaking of legs, yours and charas leg strength has improved, DRASTICALLY. This is Because of the sheer amount of energy you would force into them for multiple hours of the day every day, so you and Chara could jump mad high.

You and Chara could also fly very VERY fast, you could fly at 600 miles per hour, at full power you could fly at 900, but flying at max power would make your legs hurt like hell, so you dont like doing it.

And now, In the present time, you and Chara were making your way toward America.

Y/n: "Wow... Flying is more fun than I expected!" You said while sticking your arms out in front of you like Superman.

Chara: "I know right?!" Chara also said while sticking her arms out like an airplane.

But as you and chara were heading toward America, you notice something weird. First off, you dont see any citizens walking around, But you blame that on the fact that you're decently far from America, BUT, another weird thing that you notice is that you see a large like-cannon thing pointing straight at you.

 First off, you dont see any citizens walking around, But you blame that on the fact that you're decently far from America, BUT, another weird thing that you notice is that you see a large like-cannon thing pointing straight at you

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Y/n: "The hell is that?!" You shouted confused.

Chara: "NOW THATS A CANNON!" Chara shouted excitedly, but before she could say anymore, some shouted.

???: "AIIM... AND...



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