Chapter 8

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After Nighteye announced what he saw happening in the future, Everyone was shocked, lost for words, and some were even scared. After a few minutes of awkward silence, Endeavor is the first to speak.

Endeavor: "Y-You can't be serious... R-Right??" Endeavor asked while shaking in his firey boots, something that was unlike him.

All might: "C-Cmon nighteye, quit pulling our leg, They couldn't have wiped out humanity, right?" All might asked while Also shaking in fear.

Nezu: "Oh... I w-wasn't expecting to hear that today." Nezu said while also scared.

Nighteye: "IM NOT JOKING! WHY WOULD I JOKE ABOUT WHAT I SAW?!" Nighteye said in anger, but with a hint of fear, Which shocked everyone.

Nighteye: "Let me describe what I saw,  It wasn't the clearest film so keep that in mind. I saw 3 individuals, a man, a woman, and a child. The man looked like he was wearing a suit and the woman looking like she was wearing a dress, The child watching them looked happy about something. They were probably getting married, Anyway, Then I saw another 2 Individuals in wheelchairs, missing all of their limbs and their eyes. If it is a marriage then they were probably the priest and the best man. I can only slightly tell the appearance of one of them, All I could see is that they had spiky hair. And all 5 of these individuals were standing in the middle of a destroyed city, dead bodies littered everywhere." Nighteye said to them, shocking them once more.

Nezu then calmed down and broke down what he just heard and theorized about what he just heard.

Nezu: "These 5 individuals were most likely the man who killed All for one, The woman is either working with him or was forced to work with him. The child was probably either made by the man and the woman or was spared by the man for an unknown reason. And if they were wearing a suit and dress as you said then they most likely were getting married after destroying the world. As for the individuals in the wheelchairs, They were probably the people that the man and the woman hated the most, and were forced to watch as the world was destroyed around them. And as theyre last action, they were made the best man and priest, As for who they were, I have no clue. One of them had spiky hair right? Then we need to comb through every single UA student and protect them at all costs." Nezu explained after hearing what Nighteye saw.

Endeavor: "Geez... This whole thing is a mess." Endeavor grumbled.

-Timeskip 1 day.-

We cut to the class 1-a scattered around the classroom, having their conversations, and just vibing until Aizawa walks in with his quirk activated.

Aizawa: "Shut up and sit down. I have some announcements to make." Aizawa said to the class, making them quickly stop talking and sit down.

Aizawa: "First off, Does anyone remember the villains who attacked the USJ?" Aizawa asked, making Izuku raise his hand.

Izuku: "Yeah! There was this blue-haired guy with hands all over his body and This guy whose body is made up of black mist, why do you ask Aizawa Sensei?" Izuku said Aizawa, whilst also asking why he asked in the first place.

Aizawa: "Well problem child, Theyre all dead, Along with everyone who worked with them. Even including Japan's Greatest villain, All for One." Aizawa said bluntly making everyone shocked. But our green-haired student had a different reaction.

Izuku: 'A-All for One is dead?! But isn't only a user of One for All supposed to be able to defeat him?!' Izuku thought to himself shocked, while also being a bit mad that his destiny was taken from him.

Aizawa: "Now before you, all get excited, there is bad news. And if any of you start to panic or start doing stupid stuff because of this news, you will be expelled immediately. Understand?" Aizawa asked everyone,  making everyone taken aback but also surprised, then they nodded their heads, signaling for Aizawa to continue.

Aizawa: "Alright, The person or people that defeated All for One want to destroy the world, not only that but according to someone with a future sight quirk, they are after 2 Individuals. It is unknown who these people are but what we do know is that one of these people has spiky hair." Aizawa explained.

Everyone was shocked when they heard this, Why would someone who killed the world's greatest villain want to destroy the world? More importantly, who are these people after?

And when everyone heard that they were after 2 people, and one of them had spiky hair, everyone immediately looked at Bakugo and Kirishima, As they have the spikiest hair in the entire class.

Aizawa: "Also Bakugo, Kirishima, You will be guarded and watched Over 24/7 just in case either if yiu are the individuals that these people are after." Aizawa explained to bakugo and kirishima, Making them surprised but they nod in understanding.

Aizawa: "Anyway, Were also starting rhe Sports festival, You have 1 month off to prepare. You're dismissed." Aizawa said as he started to leave the classroom and head toward the teacher's lounge to get some sleep.

-Cut to you.-

We see you on a walk, just having the time of your life taking all the sounds in until suddenly, A child bumps into your leg.

Y/n: "Uh hey, are you ok?" Yiu said as you crouch down to the child's level.

We then see a man in a bird mask walk over to where the child ran, only to see you.

???: "Now now Eri, let's not disturb his peaceful walk." The bird masked man said to Eri, making her cling to you in fear.

You, noticing her cling to you, start to get pissed at the man in a bird mask. You then look at the masked man directly in the eye, making him flinch a little bit.

???: 'Shit! Why did he just looking at me scare me so much?! I get a bad feeling that this kid isn't normal. I need to be on my guard.' The masked man said to himself.

???: "S-Sorry for my daughter sir, We were playing tag earlier and she ended scraping her arms, We were continuing to play until she ended up running into you." The masked man tried to lie on the spot, but you weren't affected by it in the slightest.

Y/n: "She's your Daughter huh?


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