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Yoshinori's POV

"I was deeply saddened to hear that your parents passed away." I just nodded at my dad's friend, not being able to take my eyes off a certain girl. My dad's friend tapped my back and proceeded to sit somewhere.

I observed her as she seemed to mumbled something by herself since there's no one by her side. Picking up a sandwich beside me, I made my way towards her and sat on the chair beside her.

"Someone... Anyone... I need to tell it... but what it is... I... I can't remember..." I noticed that tears are streaming down her face. I looked at the picture frame of her loved ones and assumed that it's her parents too.

"You should eat... I haven't seen you eat ever since yesterday." She just looked at me, which revealed her cheeks, full of tears. 

She then looked down on her lap again and scratched her palm with her fingers, which is bleeding. I was about to take her hand but then, she lost consciousness and her head fell on my lap.

"Hey, what's wrong?! Wake up!" I made her sit again but her eyes are still closed. I gently tapped her cheeks but she's not responding.

Suddenly, a man in police uniform, who seemed to be a high ranking one, arrived, accompanied by some police men. 

"Is that Jiwon?" Another police man nodded and the high ranking officer looked at the girl, who's name is Jiwon.

"Okay. Take her." Two police men took her and I didn't have any chance to protest since,I'm not her relative or something.

"Wait but why?" Is the only thing that I can ask, as they walked away.

"I'm going to adopt her. She doesn't have any relatives anymore." The high ranking police officer told me and I just nodded, not knowing that it was something deeper.

"Kim Junkyu, say goodbye to Jinsoo's parents. We're going home." A guy,who seemed to be about my age nodded at him and bid farewell to a couple. 

"Is she Jiwon?" Junkyu asked his father as they walked away. As they walked farther, their voices faded and I was just left standing alone, looking at them.

Run after them, take her away from them!

I looked around me, as I heard a voice. Who's that?

Don't let them take her away! That guy! That guy is the cause of everything!

The voice just started to get louder and all that I can do is close my ears.

"Who are you?! Who's the one at fault!? Where are you?!" 

Just run after them! Save Jiwon!


"Hyung wake up!" My eyes opened immediately and realized that I'm just dreaming. As I looked beside me, I saw Junghwan who seems scared.

"Jiwon noona just woke up and she locked herself in the room! We can't hear her!" I immediately went out and Junghwan guided me as I didn't really know where she is. We are currently in an another base that the organization provided us.

As soon as I arrived in front of her room, I saw all of them panicking and Junkyu is knocking on her door. I pulled him by his collar and pushed him towards Jihoon.

"Stop forcing yourself on her." He just glared at me and Jihoon held him tight, preventing him from interrupting me as I knocked on Jiwon's door.

"Jiwon, its me, Yoshinori. Let me in." I heard footsteps from the inside and when the door opened, I saw her face and disheveled hair. I went inside and closed the door, locking it to prevent anyone from coming in.

"Yoshi I... already knew that it's Kim Joohyuk's fault but I forgot..." She sat on her bed and I just sat in front her, on the floor. I suddenly remembered what she said on her dream.

"Someone... Anyone... I need to tell it... but what it is... I... I can't remember..."

Maybe she... forgot about it because of trauma? 

"It's alright, Jiwon... don't blame yourself for forgetting it... It's reasonable that your memories disappeared, it's probably the effect of trauma, alright? You've undergone a very tragic event."

I hugged her tightly and drew circles on her back. When she's finally calm, she fell asleep so I made her lay down on the bed and placed a blanket to keep her warm.

When I went out of the room, I grabbed Junkyu's hand and pulled him far away the room Jiwon is staying in. When we arrived at a wide space, I grabbed him by his collar and punched him in the face, making him lay on the ground.

"Stay away from her! You're only making her feel like shit!" I looked at him as he sat on the floor, wiping the blood on his lips. He suddenly laughed which made me furrow my eyebrows.

"I NEED HER! SHE'S THE ONLY ONE THAT MADE ME FEEL HAPPY!" He shouted, tears streaming on his cheeks.

"But... seeing her like that. You should know that you're hurting her!" 

"I know that's why I... I'm willing to do everything for her..." He stood up, still looking straight in my eyes.

"I'm going to cooperate with your organization and help you put my father in jail." 

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