The dearth marker

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Kissing her daughter goodbye, Linda sloped onto the expensive car that had come to bring her. The smell of new leather flew into her small nose as she hopped into the car. She questioned what type of car it was but she didn't know of any car brands. She could tell it was new from the way it looked and smelled.

Linda wasn't educated because her parents were poor. She was only thought the basic things that could help her in life. Sometimes even, Linda wished she went to school but it was already too late for her. Plus, she needed money. The car had already started moving before she could wave at her mother who watched her leave with a guilty expression labelled on her face.

She knew it was already late to back down from the deal she was forced to sign and agree to. Her only daughter was taken for her and was never coming back to her. Only God knew what Mr. Andrew was going to do to her since he was the one who made her sign the agreement paper against her own will.

She had warned her husband countless times to stop collecting money from him but he turned deaf ears to all warnings. For her husband to continue to collect food, clothing and all other needs and wants he needed, they had to give Linda in exchange for everything he had given them.

And since the day she was forced by her husband and even her son, Elijah, she hated Mr.Andrew. She had learnt to know that he was a greedy man with no pity at all. Rich and healthy, he couldn't even give without expecting in return. 

Meanwhile, back with Linda and the black car. 

"Wake up!" A raspy voice sounded alarmed. With a flinch, Linda was able to wake up. She looked to the left to see the left's car's door opened and a pale man stood there scanning her. 

"We've arrived." The man said pushing her forcefully out of the car. She stumbled a little before holding herself. She looks down at her bounded legs and hands, shock to see her legs locked with chains and so were her hands. Her eyes furrowed slowly. 

"Are you deaf, girl?" The same pale man asked her scanning her from head to toe. He looked like he's been dried out of blood. His eyes were a mix of green and black which was intriguing and at the time scary.

She shook her head and quickly looked away deciding she wasn't going to ask any question. He scared her a bit. 

"Then move!!" He barked. With her legs and hands chained, she started walking in the direction she was pointed to. The cool breeze outside blew softly on her skin causing her to shudder. 

"Wow." She breathed out in a whisper at the sight before her that was charming. A great gigantic villa stood before her glittering with the light emitting from it. 

Half of the building was made of glass and the other half was devised and properly titled with rocks. She had never seen anything like this before. It amazed her. 

She snapped out of her trance with a harsh slap at her back. She whimpered softly, her legs starting to hurt as she walked. It was still a shock at how things had changed. Is this how Mr. Andrew's life is?

She approached the big building and a gush of wind blew past by. She shivered once again before she was instantly pushed inside the building. 

Inside, the sound of the fire crackled bringing forth warmth. Inside was warm and lit with big fire sticks. It looked a little old almost like there were in the 90s. Mr. Andrew was a rich man and so why would he build something like this. There were in the moderns. 

"Remove the chains." A harsh voice said. Like a wind, the chains were removed from both her hands and legs. She gently massaged her wrist to cool the burning touch. 

"Welcome home, Linda." She spun around to clash eyes with an eyeless soul. 

She gasped almost immediately at the black eyes staring back at hers. The tall figure stood still like a branch of a tree. She was shocked yet scared as have never seen something or someone like this before. Her head was aching and her legs were dried. She would have lost balance if it were for the small strength she had in her. She wondered if the back eyes staring at her was Mr. Andrew and how he had a black eye with no void.

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