Breaking news

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Linda's POV

Previously on The Devil's Bride

"We're going to earth, Linda."


It had to be the only vastest news that I'd received in my whole life. I didn't know if I were to be happy or not when I heard the news. I had to listen back to what he said. He made use of the word we.

A smile lit my face as I stare at him in happiness. I didn't know of the reason yet but hearing that I would be going back to earth fueled me up with so many excitements.

"Why?" I asked. I looked down when I realized I wasn't meant to be talking. I had a really tactless lip and sometimes I wished I wasn't made with lips.

"That wouldn't be your business to know of. All that matters is that you're coming along and we leave tomorrow. Your bags will be packed immediately you wake up tomorrow and we then leave."

As he spoke, I took notice of his left eyebrow that had a ring or somewhat looked like a ring. He got his left brows intruded. As much as I don't like things like piercings and dark scary inks, Synn looked like he was made out of glass and ochroid.

I'd never seen someone so brutally handsome in my life. All the new inks he had got just made it really hard to breathe and take my eyes off his arms.

"Understood?" I was caught back with his cold voice looping me back to authenticity. My cheeks felt warm. What was I thinking?

I nodded in understanding and looked up to face him. I wonder why he wore cloaks that much and why he never smiled often. It would suit him more.

"You can go to sleep but don't wake up late tomorrow." He directed and I nodded again not even feeling like I wanted to sleep back after seeing him like this.

I succeeded in walking up to my room and lay on the bed, my eyes hardly closed. After finding out about tomorrow's plan, I don't think I would be able to sleep. I would finally see Uria and Abriana and Goith. I screeched and rolled on the bed with happiness. Never knew missing someone could get you so excited and messed up.

It all took one night to make me this happy. Maybe I would get the chance to see mama once more.

I closed my eyes at the thought of being back to where I know I belonged. To where a human lived. But as I sleep, a thought remains in my head.

Why are we going back and why was Synn so cold towards me?


When I awoke the next morning, I was greeted with the worst gift a girl could ever receive. The lady's month came when I woke up. My new bedsheet was covered with bloodstains and cold perspiration.

Back when I was in the chamber, Andrew's home. I didn't know what period meant. I was in the bathroom easing myself when I noticed the change of my pee. When I had rushed to tell Abriana, she explained to me that it happened to all girls and that it was a sign of maturity.

It felt weird sticking what she gave me known as pad up my v but I got used to it over time. I didn't ignore the painful pang it came with.

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