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I grab her by her soft milky skin pulling her petite body close to mine. Her body was warm and hot, my arms were wrapped around her waist.

I pull her closer needing her body against mine. I couldn't just stand there and have her in my arms without me feeling her. I stare open into her brown eyes that looked up at right into mine. She was just too beautiful! Too fucking beautiful! I never wanted her out of my sight.

Her body was fitted well with her height. She was not too short but her head reached just my chest. I chuckle staring down at her into her eyes.

"Leave me." She whispered. The words were like candy coming from her soft-looking lips. I granted her, her command unlocking my arms around her small waist.

"What are you doing here all by yourself?" I ask her. She looks up at me with her known well look of hers-full of hatred. I had to roll my eyes inside of me. She was just being too dramatic at this point.

"If you didn't know, I never heard anyone saying I wasn't allowed to go outside whenever I want."

Burn! Azon mocked inside of me. Azon was one of my powerful demons who was always getting on my tail. He was also one of the most annoying demons I had. In total, I had seven demons inside of me who keeps messing with me and my thoughts. Azon was just the absurd and lazy one.

Shutup. I say back.

"You're right. You're allowed to go outside whenever you want." I agree looking down at her soft small feet. "But aren't you hot under the weather?"

Since when do you care? Azon question. I flip him off by ignoring his side remark, focusing on my mate now.

"It's not even hot outside. Just sunny." She glares at me like I'm the sort of a teacher who was making her do tons of homework before going home. I had to say, she amused me in little ways.

You can't keep me from outside you duck! I read her mind.

Her thoughts were always pure even if she didn't know it. I'd never read anything crazy and wild off her mind before. Her insults were childish and not meant to be taken to heart. She tries acting tough at times but I know she wasn't. That was just what she wanted me to see.

I stood outside under the warm sun with a hoodie and black ripped shorts, exposing my tats. I was never the one to wear such exposing outfits as I only stick to one garment with was my furry coat. But everything changed when I came to this fucking earth here in New York.

Coming from the room, I had the A/C turned on while reading which resulted in wearing a hoodie. Never admitted it but my body doesn't react to the temperature that fasts.


He was starting to get a little weird with his questions. The Synn I knew never asked me questions like 'How I am?' Or 'if I was hungry. Everything he said was not related to what I knew he do. He was being super nice today which made me kinda suspicious.

I start walking on my heel going back into the house. Staying outside the sun wasn't good for my health plus, I was getting moody for a snack.

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