Silver's mistake

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Trigger warning! ⚠️

"Oh wow! That's great, Linda." She said using my name for the first time. It sounded weird on her lips considering she had some sort of British accent. "You're going to be eighteen." She pointed out.

I grimaced recognizing the fact that I was turning into a new age, practically an adult. Deep down inside of me, I had this sickly feeling. I didn't want to celebrate my birthday and from the looks of it, I wasn't. Birthdays were meant to be special.

I am sure Synn doesn't even know my birthday or care to. Even though he did and wanted to celebrate it, no amount of gift could make me happy. I just wanted freedom of my own. I mean freedom from everything that had taken a turn.

Anna's concerned voice breaks me out of my gloomy thoughts. "Are you okay?"

I nodded and told her that I am and she shouldn't bother. After she had left, I left for the library.

Opening the deep rust-coloured mahogany door, I walk into the bright-coloured library. It's so weird how books had their own distinctive scent. It's exquisite and foreign.

I walk to my session of books that I had arranged for myself. There was an empty section in the library when I'd first come. Silver said I could put in all my pop-up books in the sector and have it especially for me.

The new books that I'd gotten in the mall sat nicely on the racks. I drew out one of them and walk back to the couch. The library was honestly only the quiet place in this house. A place where I had my own freedom.

"You've not been here for quite some time." A deep voice rumbled. I looked up from just opening a page and up above me was Owel.

I almost forgot he was here.

His yellow eyes study me through and drop to stare at the book on my lap. Something was going on with this man, I thought.

"Been busy." I shrugged nonchalantly going back to opening the page. I suddenly heard the quiet tap of his feet on the resinous floor, every tap was vexatious. Each step of his foot made my inners scream with annoyance.

"Can you please stop?" I asked. I know he knows that he was intentionally making me annoyed and from the looks of it, he was enjoying himself.

"Sure. Where is your teacher?" His yellow eyes look into my browns ones causing me to look away. His eyes were yellow to the point of coercion. But not as intimidating as Synn's.

My teacher?

"What?" I question, confusion over my face.

"Silver or whatever you call him."

It clicked. He meant Silver. I don't know if what he said was true but in a way it was. I mean, he teaches me a lot of things.

"I don't know," I said bluntly. "Didn't see him this morning." Reticence took over the library as I just continued surveying the pictures that popped up in the book. Silver had stopped teaching me since we went to the mall and I was lacking in a lot of things. Never did I come to think that I would be reading or even knowing how to spell my name. I guess there was hope for the living.

"So tomorrow is your birthday, huh?" His uncivil voice starts. I raise my head to look at the yellowed eyes standing before me bowing unto the dark-coffee brown cupboard. His lips were partly opened with a wicked grin.

"Who told you that?"

"I just happen to know." He said picking on his long nails.

A skimpy silence occupied the room followed by his loud groan. "Okay, fine! I heard you telling Anna about it." He confessed.

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