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I sip on the apple juice straw, cordially waiting for Silver to arrive. I don't know what is taking him this long but I was getting restless.

Meanwhile, Synn looked so unbothered and calm like this was a normal routine or he was used to it. He sat across from me on the leather chair, typing on his phone. His hair looked slicked like it was gelled. His fingers were accented with golden rings which I think were made of pure gold just by looking at it.

I sat in Synn's cloth-I know shocking- but I couldn't help it which in fact he didn't mind. I happen to have seen my period this morning which by the way was the first of December. I'm not the type to steal a guy's cloth but this one I was currently wearing was an exception.

It was a light gray sweater made of soft furs on the body. My neck was clouded with the turtle neck it had, warming me up from the cold and perfectly hiding the marks Synn gave me. It had started to snow this morning which I assume was what was making Silver's late.

"What the fuck is the mother fucker?!" I see the aggrieved Synn taking a glance at his phone to check the time on his phone before he lifts his eyes and stares at me.

"You know," I continue stating at him, blush on my face from his intimidating stare. "You're a cloth thief, right?" He finishes a small smirk on his lips.

"I'm not!" I defend standing up straight. I wasn't going to lie, I was but that didn't mean I was going to accept the truth.

"You're fucking wearing my sweater without having asked my permission."

I walk up to him, my hands flatly on my sides with a dismayed look. "I don't need permission to wear clothes."

"Correction: my clothes." He points out as I roll my eyes. I see his eyebrow raise a bit from my actions, his body slowly leaning up, getting into a standing position.

"Did you just roll your eyes at me?" He asks. I could hint at a slight enormity in his voice but he didn't sound offended.

"Uh-no," I say trying to keep in a giggle. I slowly lean back, my head turning back for a moment to see if there was a route to escape as Synn slowly made his way towards me.

I take a gentle step backwards, my body in a full alert but that was when I was proven wrong so badly because, in a swift, I barely saw when he appeared at the back of me.

I gasp with shock, my body joined with him as his hands crawl around my waist. I feel his cologne feel the air drifting into my nostril.

"Synn! Stop!" I giggled bursting into a laughing fit. My breath was cut short due to laughter, my body shaking vigorously as he surges at me.

"Next time, you won't roll your eyes at me ever again." He says stringently, but a smile on his face didn't match his tone. 

"But-" I try to say but I hear the silky voice of Silver flows through the room.

"Woah! What did I miss?" From my peripheral vision, I see him stroll into the room with a Pea coat and Selvedge Denim Jeans. I see a wool sweater sticking out from the bag that was dangled freely on one shoulder, his hands holding the strap.

Synn straight away dispassionately removes our body from together. I look straight ahead, my cheeks burning from shame. I gather my posture, instantly remembering I hadn't completed my sentence.  

"The time you had of being wise and maybe your whole life," Synn answers Silver's previous question. I bring my hand to obscurely alter my turtle neck so the warmth of it floods back to the area of my neck.

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