The Mall

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Having blinked more than 3 times, I stared at Silver.

"Do you like Synn?"

I wasn't expecting that question from Silver but he was expecting an answer from me. I swallowed thickly, spinning the rings that were on my fingers.

"I don't know," I muttered to myself. Truly, I didn't even know. There were times Synn would be fierce and moody to me and times when he becomes touchy with me. But that didn't mean I liked him yet. I couldn't still forget the incident with Geletino and those people in the Lukewarm. His nice attitude to me didn't make him less of a bad person.

I heard Silver's voice."Okay." He said and stands up. "I'm going to change into a new t-shirt." He said leaving after I nodded.

He sounded like he was expecting that of my reply. I sigh, digging my fingers softly into my palms.


His name sounded so evil just like him. He once mentioned something about being the son of Lucifer which made me even think more into the subject. Where was Synn's dad?

I subjectively had heard of the tales of the angel who was thrown down to hell from heaven. It was Lucifer. But what I didn't hear was that Lucifer had a son. But I guess that was just some sort of belief. That was where the belief ended. No one knew of Synn.

I stare at the hollow wall, thinking deeply. Everything was getting to the point where I'm confused. Being his mate, reasons and others. I didn't just know what to think of anymore.

"I'm back." Silver said. I look away from staring at the wall and looked up at him. He had a new t-shirt and new jeans.

"What were you thinking?" He questioned. And that was when I decided to ask.

"Who is Lucifer?" I asked.

I could feel the temperature in the room that had just arisen. Silver's body looked tensed as he looked away while I tried to read him.

"Why are you asking that, Li?" He said, his tone not saying the truth. I lean forward and answered.

"I just want to know who he is. Is he really Synn's father?" I mentioned.

Silver's eyes suddenly light up at this question which gave in a way to curiosity. "Yes, he is." He said finally.

"But Synn never had a mother." He continued, his tone dead serious. I listened in interest. Silver sighs when he sees how interested I am in this topic.

"According to beliefs, Lucifer was once an angel. One way or another, he was thrown into hell by God himself after committing a sin back up there in heaven. Lucifer had a son later after a decade and that son happened to be Synn."

Linda's eyes grew wide at the mention of years. A decade?

Does that mean Synn was more than 10 years old? How is that possible?

"How old is Synn?" She said growing bothered.

"235 years old."

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