Staff's quarters

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"What do you mean?" I ask taking the band and extending it. I feel my hair being grazed by the copper-coloured comb before she takes the band from my hand and ties my hair.

"He's not been in the chamber ever since and it is starting to get disturbing." She says. She comes out of my back and comes ahead so she's in view and I could see her.

"What about Breth?" I search standing up from the lounge. I walk to the bed and plop on it, dipping the bed.

"She's still there in the chamber. She still keeps cursing you for stealing her man." My eyes widen at this information. Her man? She was talking about Synn.

"Oh," I mumble.

"But don't mind her. She's self-egotistical and delusional." She snickers.

"Uria really misses you, sweetie. She's planning of coming for a visit." She adds.

Now, this information got to me. "Really? I miss her so much." I smile.

"Well, let's hope that comes true."

The minute taciturnity permeates the room. Synn told her to come over and for some reason, it makes me leery. I mean, I don't even know how they met but if Abriana was to stay here for employment, I wonder what his gain was going to be.

On the bright side, I had her with me which means we were going to catch up on the fun we had missed. After hearing of Silver's absence, I was crushed. I know he made a terrible mistake but Synn shouldn't have thrown him out of the house.

"What are you going to be doing here? Synn has a lot of maids already." I ask cracking the stony stillness.

She shrugs. "I don't know. I was only told to come here last night so I had to leave Midian immediately to come over."

"Where did you see him?"

"I don't know exactly. It was along the roadside in the night. He was driving and he happened to have seen me." She unravels randomly. I still don't get the picture or message but it is enough for me to know about something.

Knock knock!! The clicking of the door signalled.

"It must be Anna," Abriana said walking over to the door. She bents the handle open flying open the door. I just sit and watch waiting to see who was at the door.

"O-h i- Welcome master." Abriana's tremulous voice greeted him. I instantly tense up when I see his huge tall frame walk inside the room, his mantle flopping loose on his shoulder.

His red eyes don't fall on me but he just walks inside the room, going into the bathroom and closes it behind him.

I felt my heart backflip landing with a fall in my rib cage. He was here.

"I'm just going to go now. I'll go see what I can do." Abriana waves going out immediately. I couldn't say anything to stop her from going. When Synn was around, nothing was ever okay.

Without waiting for me to even complete my thought, I hear the sound of the bathroom door, my nervousness creeping in. I felt like the world was turning against me. Synn may not have psychically hurt me but his way has. He was a devil and that was a big fact to see.

I let my face fall to my lap while my brain plays with my thoughts. He was a murderer. God- why was I just recognizing this right now. He was an immortal. A devil for that matter and a sinner. He had men in hell who do their job with happiness in mistreating people and seeing their death. He was Lucifer's son and murdering someone should be least surprising.

I sat on the soft cerulean bed peering down at my lap like it was some sort of flick. Being in the same room with Synn was beginning to get stifling. His cologne was loaded everywhere choking me.

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