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I felt the air being cut out of my lungs. I close the door of the bathroom as I glide down on the floor on my feet. I curl myself into a ball and bring my chin to rest on my flexed knee as I rock myself back and forth.

His teeth!

They were the scariest thing I'd ever seen. I'd been lying if I said I didn't want to touch the tip of the tooth even though it was a deadly risk. I remember his eyes gleaming when he glanced at me with those pair of teeth.

I suck in a harsh breath, the faint tears jogging down my cheeks. Every night I'd dreamed of something happening but I wouldn't know what it was. Today explained everything.

I didn't know how long I was swaying on my feet but by the time I took to realization, I blinked away the acrid tears. Taking another thick breath, I stand up on my feet dreading this day.

I walk up to the orbicular mirror that was draped on the bathroom wall. When I see my face, I quailed.

I looked horrible.

I slowly bring out a hairband from the lower cabinet and tie my hair into a rumpled bun with my lazy hands. I drag some toothpaste on the surface of my brush and pull it into my mouth to brush my teeth.

Below my eyes laid bags. Heavy dark bags. I understood by now why Abriana was asking why I looked pale. I was already wishing this night was far wasted but everything that has been going on in my life was exhausting.

I spit out the paste into the sink and proceed to gaggle my mouth with water flowing from the tap. I gaggle once again with mouthwash before closing the tap and dropping the toothpaste into the small cup.

Sharp-edged tooth.

I shiver when the random image pops up into my head. What feared the most was going back inside the room. I get out of my soiled articles of clothing and draw myself into the half-pint shower. I run open the small tap and immediately, the cool but warm water touches my back, warming me up.

I run my face with my tired hands, feeling like my body was being mashed under heavy rocks. I was literally tired of everything that was currently going on in my life. The week has been a crazy experience but what was even crazier was this night.

Spending not less than 15 minutes, I come out of the bathroom and tie my white fluffy towel around my wet body. My hair was soaking wet with the tip of my hair dropping slightly with water drops.

I come back to face the mirror and scan myself. The bags under my eyes were not that visible anymore due to the hot bath that I'd just taken and my face, in general, looked tired.

Not much of a difference.

I sigh and began snacking on my bottom lip. I'd just remembered that I didn't bring any clothes along with me into the bathroom when I rushed in. My cheeks flushed in the absurd realization. The only thing that was between me was my skimpy towel.

I didn't want to go outside of the bathroom and face Synn in this exposed mess. I didn't like being exposed in front of anyone just like that but at the same time, I needed my PJs. I had to get them from my closet.

My stripped legs were open to view and cold breeze. The white fluffy towel only covered my mid-thigh allowing my legs and half of my thigh to show.  

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