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When my eyes swiftly shut open, the never-feeling pain of headache sauntered into my head. I groan, lightly hoisting myself up the white bed that had the warm sun on the surface. My lips parts open as I let out another grunt, my hand gripping my head from the immense pain.

"Good morning,"

I quickly turn my head in the direction of the voice that spoke, my black curls twirling and fluttering on my neck as I did so finding it very familiar and startling.

Synn was seated in front of me on a black chair with his right leg traversed on his other leg. His ringed fingers stay put on his leg, almost near his calves as he looks at me with an indecipherable look. His skin was finely contracted with the black long sleeve he was wearing, his sharp red eyes dancing on mine. From the rim of his neck, I see a new fresh tattoo is drawn on his skin, the area a little red and looking irritated. The image of it looked like writing done on his neck in italic with the honed black ink.

I groan again finding the headache becoming more critical in seconds. I turn my gaze away from Synn, discerning the room I was in. It was still my same room but the colour of it seemed more radiant but only to my vision. I couldn't remember what happened last night being the thing I remembered was someone dressing up for me.

I take a quick glimpse down to check my clothing to see the white comfy nightwear moulded on my body. My feet were clouded with blue socks as I take out my feet from under the blanket.

Quickly remembering I had Synn seated in front of me, I take my eyes back at him puzzled by his fragmentary sitting position and reason.

"I have a headache," I say bluntly throwing away the blanket that beforehand covered my body to the other side of the bed.

"I know." He says also getting up with me as I did. I stumble a little going over ahead from the bed to the way of the bathroom.

"What happened last night?" I ask him smoothing my hair from my face before gazing at him. I see a small faction smirk from the corner of his face.

"We attended the opening of my new company." He says vaguely splitting out the details of the reason for his smirk.

"Oh," I whispered before shutting the door behind me as I enter the bathroom to get ready for the day. I slide to the other rival of the small bathroom to look at my reflection in the speculum.

What I see is different than I expect. I looked so bright today it was almost confusing why. My hair gleamed conversely than normal and my lips were plumper.

My skin was not pale but different. I looked like a whole new person. Spanning out to my toothbrush, I caught something in my reflection. The cryptic purplish mark that was hidden under my hair.

I quickly gather all my hair from my shoulder, bringing it to one shoulder to observe the weird-looking mark. Once I was done, I gulp immediately once my eyes landed on the neck mark. It looked so raw and red around its area. I bend open my fabric to show my collarbone where I see more of them and just on my left shoulder.

What was this?

The clicking open of the door alerted me that someone had come in. I quickly leave hold of my nightwear so it covers back the mark left on my collarbone and so Synn doesn't see it. My head was pounding, my body becoming more fainthearted. Synn says we tended a party last night but it doesn't seem like all true.

I hastily glance to the mirror where I see Synn bowing to the door of the bathroom. His two hands were wrapped plainly to his chest with his legs crossed. I take that as my shot to turn around and ask.

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