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3rd POV

"Am always sure with my answers!" Synn blast at the woman who immediately recoiled from his cruel voice. Never in her ten years of being in a business has she ever seen someone so domineering and rude. She looks away and scribbles down something on a piece of paper and gives it to him.

He snickers and looks down at the paper, looking down at her ghastly handwriting. "Did you ever go to school?" He questions her. She looked taken aback by the question as she shifts awkwardly on her spot.

"I did." She clears her throat and harshly collects the paper from him. "Are you in or what?"

Synn just glared at her, taking in the sight of her face and thinks in disgust. She don't know who she is talking to. He shakes his head and licks his fangs in his mouth.

"Give me some few weeks to think about i-"

"Are you crazy?!" She screamed looking down at the paper. "You need a week to think about a business deal that doesn't even need an hour to think about. You stupid?" She speaks, her British accent drooling out.

Synn looks down at the woman, anger coiling. He couldn't believe a mere woman was talking to him like this. Brutally and unmannered. He didn't like her for sure. He never did right from the start. He had begun to curse silver for introducing him to such a repugnant woman like her.

Mrs. Rose was a tattered accountant who worked in one of the most consequential banks in New York. She was a woman with conceit and envy. She was filled with too much ego which ruined her reliability with customers. Silver had introduced her to Synn to reinforce a few things. One of them was the company Synn intended to start building.

She knew well about opening up a company and he needed answers right away. Synn was super-rich. If he had wanted gold, with a snap of his fingers, he would have it. But he needed something to constitute his image on earth. He planned on staying on earth for quite an amount of time.

"I don't have your time woman!" He barks as he moves to enter the car but she stops him. "I need answers right away! I can't wait for a whole week-"

"Then don't. I don't need your fucking help with it anymore. I've got important things to do than waste my time talking to someone as ugly as you." He answered stepping right into her conversation just like she did to him.

He enters the limo that had the driver listening to the discussion the two just shared, finding it engaging.

"Stupid bitch." He curses under his breath. The engine perks up and starts to move. Synn laid untroubled, his head rested on the seat's head, his eyes closed.

Starting a business was not contrary but he needed clues and it grieved his ego to ask for help. He wanted to do everything by himself without help.

Closed eyes, his mind floats to a distinct being in person as he snaps his eyes opened.

Linda. His mind drifted to Linda.

He slowly emits, licking his bottom lips as he stared into space. His fingers were drumming on his lap tranquilly until his phone chimes. He picks out his phone from his black Jean's pocket and looks at the screen to see who called.


"Don't make me regret answering this call," Synn told instantly as he accepts the call with a tap on the green button.

On the other line, Silver was crushing on a chocolate bar as he moves his fingertips on his jaw. "Oh, sure you won't!" He said too excited. Silver was the only person who wasn't afraid of the devil. They had been close friends for a long time. Silver was a sociable person with a spirited attitude. He joked around and was much of a foodie. Yet, he stayed psychically fit.

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