Sweetneed into a peek

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The next few days in the month of December were surprisingly chilly. I hadn't been outside since because of the appalling cold that had been blowing since the first month along with the white soft snow.

However, Silver decided to spend the first ten days with us. Synn decided against it but decided to reconsider only to threaten him later.

I closed my eyes, the hot water streaming down my back, relaxing my tensed muscle under. Feeling the hot water drip down was so calming and made me feel content.

Letting the water stop, I lean out to grab the clean towel that was hunged on the railing next to the shower. I carry my feet from the wet floor, getting out of the shower.

I lift my eyes from the floor, my blood running cold, my chest heaving.

Synn, who I didn't expect was in front of me. I let out a small gasp. Seeing his own towel wrapped around his torso, his hair a little wet, my hands tighten the hold on my towel not wanting to risk anything.

"What are you doing-"

"Shush!" He instructs taking a step forward a smirk on his lips. I let out a breath, my eyes trying so hard not to roam around his body.

I feel the small but harsh contact of my body as my body hits the glass of the shower, my intent to escape from the strong stare from Synn ruined.

I see him tilt his head, his eyes going to roam my neck before stopping at the cleavage of my breast.

"My marks are stubborn, aren't they?" He asks, his finger grazing my neck. I shudder, the cold hitting me strongly coming from the opened door behind him.

He chuckles under his breath, his fingers leaving my neck and going behind me. My eyes were trained on him trying to see what he was up to from his eyes. They say the eyes never lie but that statement didn't go well with Synn's eyes. You could never read him in a million years.

My eyes widen at his silly behaviour only to see another white towel in his hands, his hands retracting back to his side. "Came here for a towel." He smirks, his lips twitching a bit. I huff, bawling my hands to hit his chest.

"You child!" I puff out a breath even though I was the one acting like a child. He just made me wait in the shower while my body was exposed to heebie-jeebies.

"I think you're the child here, hmm." He jeers, going over to lick his lips. My face reddens, looking down immediately.

He slants back, the sparkle in his eyes bright before leaving the bathroom.

I release the breath I didn't know I was holding. My whole life was bumbled, to begin with, but with Synn around, it was deranged. Surely, this bond really connected us together because every time I remember the first few days after we met and what happened, it always made my body crawl. But today I could stand and tell a story. A story of us.

I wouldn't say I didn't like Synn or I wasn't growing feelings for him, but I could say that I still needed to know more about him, to get to know him well. They were still some things he hadn't clarified about his behaviour and mood swings and why he had them. Neither did I thought this day was coming- a day I will see myself standing with Synn and accepting that I was his mate and he was mine.

I palpitate, my hair and body getting cold from the wind. I walk into the room, the towel still swaddled around my naked body.

I stroll towards the wardrobe, digging my hands into the wooden box and fishing out a flannel shirt and a pair of jeans with a tunic sweater.

Just a great combination for the winter.


"What about your eyes? Why are they red?" I ask as my legs dangled freely from the sides of Synn as I played with his tattooed fingers. His body was slightly slouched on the chesterfield, his eyes disdained.

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