The devil's name

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Linda sat across the long dining table that seems to have almost like a vanishing point to its perspective. She wasn't the only maiden who sat on the dining table, she was also attended by the rest of the slaves that just seems to love chattering all about and could never keep shut.

She sat on the table quietly, her nervous fingers drumming on her laps due to the stress she was in. Her long hair was neatly hung in a ponytail that Abriana had helped her with. She woke up to find out that Abriana had gone back to Midian and won't be coming back until sunset. With this new news, Linda felt she couldn't live without Abriana for a day considering she had just know Abriana for just 24 hours.

She hadn't heard of Uria since she saw Abriana which made her wonder where the silly shadow would have flown to. Her consciousness wasn't settled.

The titillation sound of the glass cup alerted her of the presence of Richard.

In some sort of way, he appeared a little too settled like he had everything under control. On the other hand, he hadn't bothered her about working anymore. She was scheduled to work only on Thursdays. Just not appealing to others, her tasks were always different from others.

This hasn't been left unnoticed by other slaves as some of the gossips about her behind closed doors. Unknown to them, nothing was left unheard in the villa.

"You humans don't just know how to shut your ugly mouths." Insulted Richard with a frown balanced on his lips.

The hall went silent just hearing the sound of his dark- commanding voice spewed with disgust.

Richard continued. "Do you know why you are here, anyway?"


"Fools. You humans have no brains. Ugly as you all can get."

"Could you stop insulting them? You have no right to say all those." A female voice obstructed.

All eyes turned to stare at Breth's figure that looked ghostly pale. She had her eyeless hole intact with her brownish dark hair.

She glared at Richard, turning around to face the maidens and spoke.

"You all look drilled out of food. You are here to eat to your satisfaction." Breth's smile didn't look satisfying to the maidens. She had an evil agenda under her skin.

"Come on. I know you guys must be hungry since you've been working your ass under the scorching sun.

"Where're our guardians?" One of the maids had the audacity to talk. Everyone snapped their eyes to look at the 'courageous' girl. She was a blonde with blue eyes, skinny bones with a skimpy statue.

"They are out for a walk. They'll back by sunset."

It looks like all the slaves are constantly starting to get attached to their guardians, thought Breth.

"Let's start with sweetened corn." Breth smiled, showcasing her rotten teeth. Almost all the slaves cringed. She opened the tray that held the sweetened corn in large quantity. She turned to meet eyes with Richard who nodded and walked away.

The small act wasn't unnoticed by Linda who quickly looked away so she won't get noticed.

The sweet smell of sweetened corn and chicken breast filled the air, romanticizing the stomach of the maidens. Their mouth watered at the sight just wanting to devour the food immediately.

Close by, Linda observed Breth. She didn't look like she wanted to be here. The confused girl couldn't just read the emotion displayed by Breth who looked somewhat suspicious with how she kept eying the food.

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