A ticket to hell

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She woke up with a hand on her shoulder yanking her up. She had remembered everything clearly, the peculiar dream.

She rubbed her eyes, groggily. Her mouth opened broadly, a yawn flying through her lips.

"1st of July." Andrew's uttered. Linda's eyes sprang up awake at the mention of the date. Then, it had dawned on her.

3 months were over

She didn't know if she was to cry or be nabbed. Her emotions were all over the place as she kept remembering the words. Andrew just stared. He didn't know what to say. He wanted to do the honour of waking her up and remembering her.

"Get up and get dressed. We leave in 30 minutes." And then he left leaving the bugged Linda on the bed, tears brimming in her eyes.


She couldn't explain how she felt or even how to feel.

Was this how her life was going to be?


Her emotions were getting stronger as she thought about it. She felt like she was being used. Used to gain something. She didn't know in distinct what it was. But she felt angry. Angry at herself for not voicing her emotions out for Andrew to know.

She stayed in the same position she was woken up at for 5 minutes, her mind rushing. Tears ran down her cheeks as she sucked in a hiccup and a whimper.

Everything had failed.

The door was thrown open as Abriana walked into the room, her expression floundering. She knew well enough not to bother the girl but she just came to talk to her. To know her she felt and how she was going to accept the truth.

"Sweetie." Abriana started taking a seat next to her on the bed, the bedsheet depressing. "Morning."

Linda saw nothing good in today's morning. A morning of sadness, she thought.

She grabbed her hands, pressing it."How are you doing?"

In return, she didn't hear anything from the little girl. Her mood was dampening the whole room. Linda, frozen in place just sat there.

For the whole 30 minutes, Abriana had helped Linda get ready for the journey. A journey where she didn't want to encounter.

At exactly 10:00 AM, Linda was fully dressed in her attire. Abriana had walked her up to Andrew where he was now changed to a new cloak. Close by, Breth watched.

"Ready?" He asked, his gaze fixed transitively on Linda who just stood, not ready to talk. He arched his eyebrow, finding her mood considerably beguiling. "Deaf all of a sudden?"

When she didn't speak, Breth decided to take the spotlight. "Are you sure she's his bride? Doesn't look fit for him." She coughed out, her eyes perilously fixed on Linda's frame. Breth, from the start, had always been jealous when she first found out about Linda being Synn's bride. She envied the girl furtively.

After all those years, she had spent in hell, she never did found her mate. She hoped a day will come when the devil would notice her and here she was, looking at the bride of Synn.

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