The librarian

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"What's with the holdup?" A woman shouted on her voice as she stirred up in the market with her grocery back in her left hand.

She had been in the market for more than 28 minutes and was looking for her 15 years old son who she sent to get veggies from the market. She had spotted a part of his t-shirt on her way when she was wandering.

She turned around the corner, clenching her grocery bag that was filled with some veggies. She was sure she had seen him pass by but maybe her eyes were playing tricks on her.

"Aye!" A man shouted. She turned around to the voice and looked closely to see if he was the one talking to her. "Me?" She pointed her index finger to herself in doubt.

"Yes, ma'am. Are you looking for your son?" He asked her, mischief dancing in his tone. She squinted her eyes closely at the man in suspect and nodded. She didn't like that a stranger was talking to her. An old man for that cause.

"I saw you running to get a young boy with a t-shirt that was coloured blue. He didn't pass by here but I guess you might be shocked when I tell you he's now the centre of attention now and his body is now rotting in hel-"

"Hold up!" She called out. She didn't understand a thing he was saying to her. "Centre of attention? Where is my son? How am I sure you're talking about him. Please, sir, I have to look for him." She pleaded with a sigh.

He chuckled and shook his head, maneuvered. "You don't believe me? Your son is dead and is now rotting in hell." He explained.

Her eyes trembled with fear and worry. She dropped her grocery bag and shook her head not wanting to believe a single thing the man had just told her. "What the fuck!" She cursed loudly.

"I can show you his body. He was hit by my car." He smiled and walked a little further to where a pool of blood was gathered and a dead body laid down on the ground.

The woman screamed, her hands trembling as she got nearer to the body. She looked down at her son's body and shouted. "My baby!" She shrieked. She turned to look back at the murderer of her son only to find him no longer there.

Down in the depth of hell, the young teen looked around in confusion, his forehead had a hole in it. "Where am I?" He asks in wonder. As he woke furthermore into the place, he came across the Lukewarm to see where the torment was taking place.

"Um, excuse me?" He raises his hands up to get the attention of the guards who looks at him with disgust. "Where am I and why are these people making my ear bleed so badly?" He looks at the sinners who were shouting as hot flames lick up their skin.

Two of the guards look at him and gave him a cheeky smile. "Welcome to hell." They greeted walking forward, approaching him. "And what is your sin, son?" One of them questioned with a clamp of his hands. They looked happy to see a sinner.

But instead, the boy just threw a laugh and look at them in shock. "Really? Hell? What are you two morons saying?" The boy asks, blood gushing out of his forehead. The two guards just look at themselves and smirk. "I think I know what you committed now. You were killed by a motor vehicle? Too young though but who cares? You're going to be having a lot of fun here with us."

And without warning, he was thrown into the lukewarm. His clothes suddenly melted into ashes until it was nowhere to be seen again. Hot flames gush out from underground, intruding on his skin terribly. His screams were louder than that of a woman in labour.

"God, this fucking burn! Get me out of here!" He pleaded as he screams. One of the guards goes around the corner and throws a spear at him in which pierce his chest. He turned running but a pop of flames gushes out and traps him back. He looks up to see a big rock that kept rolling until it drops on him, mashing his head in liquid. That didn't stop there.

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