Sexual tension

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Sexual teasing

As we approached close to the already barging party, I took a close look at Linda who was sitting down in the front row.

She was fucking pretty!

She didn't have to wear that shitty makeup to look like she is. I glimpse lower from her face, feeling my pants harden at the sight of her chest. Her breast was huge than I presumed. I could imagine my lips wrapped around those juicy nippl-


I had to stop thinking dirty before I fucking come into my pants.

I adjust on the seat trying to calm my fucking nerves.

Once we were parked in front of the building, I open the car lock, getting down. Turning around, I see Linda already down on her feet, her back facing me. I had to resist myself from grabbing a whole lot of that ass cheek in front of me.

"Come on," I say walking towards her. Her eyes were kindled due to the building's light. I place my hands on her lower back, directing her forward.

This party was a whole different one. This was to mark the day I open my new company but in a different variant.

Andrew was coming to this one.

I had planned this essentially for this reason to finally execute him for good even though it was going to get hysterical. He ruined my trust in him and I don't see the reason for him to live longer. His abilities were getting the best of him, having the brazenness to run away from me.

Today was different because today was going to be his last day in existence.

I glance down at Linda. I could feel her warm skin in my palms, her legs fidgeting on the spot. She was nervous as hell.

"You have to calm down. I'm here with you." I tell her trying to ease her nerves. I feel her skin cool down in my touch, her chest swelling as she took in a deep breath.


Once we were in, the once sharp lights were suddenly dimmed. I scan around the room for a distinct person, the smell of debris drowns the room. I remove my hands from her waist and grab her by her wrist before pulling her gently in the midst of the drunken people. My eyes finally lands on the one person I was looking for.

"Hey, man." The easily recognizable voice of Silver takes over the backdrop noise. I open my mouth to say something but was cut short when I feel Linda's wrist slide away from my hold as she throws herself on Silver.

My breath loops at the sight, my eyes reaming holes in the skull of her head. She still manages to look short for Silver's frame.

Shawty. Chase, my demon comments.

I had to stop myself from harshly gripping Silver's hands when I see his hands trailing down her ass.

"How are you, Princess?" His voice ask. From the look of his disposition, he looked wasted. I could smell the hit of his washed-away breath from alcohol from where I stood. His eyes were not the bright ones but looked rather red either from smoking or tiredness.

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