New York

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I dropped the bag I had come with that was filled with my items of clothing and things on the bed. I just wondered how he got a building here on earth without me ever knowing.

Not that he would bother telling you anything.

I sigh as I unpack and put them in the wardrobe. The room was really big and capacious. A big king-sized bed and big furniture. It had a TV scaled on the wall and a lot of meniscus lights and led lights of red which I didn't like at all. It made me scared.

As I emptied, I noticed the colours of the wall. It was painted cream white and black levelling the furniture. I sigh as I continued to unpack and put them into the bathroom. I wasn't really shocked to see how beautiful the interior design was. Synn had a good taste in buildings and designs.

But it only meant we were going to stay alone in the big house. I shook my head, troubled. The door was thrown open and a very angry Synn managed to tilt in. I flinched in shock as I look at his wobbly figure that brought in a lot of recollections. Memories about papa and when he got drunk at night and would come and beat mama.

As I stare at his figure, the tears that I had once managed to stop came weaving in. I had to look away unless I would cry and feel like a baby in front of him.

His eyes scan the room before landing on my figure. I blushed feeling butterflies swimming in my tummy and that would explode anytime from now. I turn to finish unpacking, jittering under his stare. It was so severe that it bothered me.

Done, I decided to explore the house, again. I found out it had a library and a swimming pool. Four cars and one limo. Plus, we weren't alone. We had three maids, one butler and one chef. And 3 drivers along with a few men, more of bodyguards. I sanctioned those men as few of them in hell. I was quite shocked to find out Synn allowed them to come.

Currently, I was outside enjoying the morning sun. Enjoying fresh air and not the suffocated display of people being tormented. The birds were twittering noisily and my hair was let down falling straight down at my back.

I didn't just know what to do. Even after being back on earth, I still felt that desolation and anxiousness. It felt bad knowing you have a lot ahead of you but you can't just take a peek and see what. It's terrible that I live freely in this house but still felt trapped. I was 17 and still felt like I was 12. My tummy was building with pain as I thought about it.

Suddenly, I felt a presence beside me. Thinking it was Synn, I turn around but stood dismayed. It wasn't but...Owel?

Did he come? Why? When? I broke a small smile as I look up at him. He just stared at me before leaving. Shhh..but don't tell him he's weird and scary.

I giggle at my thought as I stood up to go inside but what caught attention flattered me. I look up to see Synn but he wasn't alone. He had someone talking to him and he was...smiling?

It was really rare to see him smile. He looked wholly handsome it made me cracked up. I tried to see who he was talking with but was impossible. The person had his front-facing Synn and back facing my line of sight. They were talking upstairs on the balcony.

It's good he's with someone who's making him smile.

I walk back inside and decided I was going to try to watch something. I've never really watched a film or movie before. I didn't know how to turn on the TV or even work out the remote control. I look at the screen in wonder and bewilderment. How was I going to watch a blank screen?

"TV, please switch on." I rationally begged. I don't know how I was even doing this or talking to an object. It felt weird just apprehending. I giggle at the idea and tried again.

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