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She squeezed her eyes in uncertainty and decided she was just going to ignore the meaning behind what he meant. She turned to face the crowds that were maids. Richard began by giving each and every one of them, clothes and pointed to a nearby region where there was a male (Goith) serving food. He looked massive in appearance with a round face and a thick bicep.

After everyone was given food and clothes, they were bid to their chamber where they were supposed to eat and get revived. Richard had told them where they were going to bath and that was behind the gruth's place, the cold surrounding bringing chills.

No one knew the history of the gruth's place except Linda. She was still terrified about going there to bathe. She couldn't bathe where people were going to see her. She had to keep her innocence to herself.

As she ate, the food tasted bitter on her tongue. It was human food that was crudely prepared. She hated it but she had no choice of complaining. She just had to accept what she was given. Uria's shadow suddenly emerged from nowhere and sat with her, enjoying her presence. There was something comforting about the girl, she couldn't place her thought on it.

"How's the food?" Uria asked watching the girl eat the unpleasant food in disgust. Linda managed to smile. "Nice." A lie escaped from her small lips.

Uria knew the best. She had grown to know the little's girl behaviour even from when they had met a few hours ago. She could see her like an open book. Seeing all her past and weakness.

"One thing I know for sure, Death markers are bad in cooking." Uria laughed pacing around the dirty chamber. "Another funny ability." She chuckled.

Linda swallowed the last crumbs of her food and dropped the plate on the floor. She inhaled and exhaled softly, a wave of anxiety washing through her. She was tired of life.

Uria took this as an opportunity to admire the girl's features. Linda wasn't slim like those thin skeletons. She had a petite body. Her hair was a beautiful colour of dark black like coal. Her eyebrows were beautifully long and full. Her small pink lips still shed their colour even in the mess she was. She was even physically attractive with the right amount of curve.

Her slim neck and soft like chubby fingers. She was beautiful from head to toe. This made Uria smile while watching her take a rest.

"Wake up!!" Uria whispered in her ears. She jumped up in surprise, looking around her while trying to catch her racing heart.

"Sorry." She whispered to Uria, standing up to grab her clothes and walk behind the gruth's place for a bath. The place looked calming than when she came. The ambience was different than the small hut in the gruth's place.

"Gosh! Why is this happening to me?" A maid grumbled pulling her clothes over her head. It was a blonde who had complained and had started taking her bath. Linda covered her eyes from seeing the exposed body of the females.

How did they not feel uncomfortable exposing their...

Linda's face turned pink just from completing her thought. Surely, she wasn't going to expose her body like them. Her creative mind flashed a bulb.

She looked around her searching for some kind of fabric or materials she could use for the plan. She wasn't going to allow her decency to fly out of the window like a bird. She had manners.

Abruptly, she caught sight of a red fabric hanging on the line. She furrowed her eyebrow in question.

It wasn't there before.

Without thinking, she rushed and grab the red fabric and took it along with her back to where the maids' bath.

"What are you going to do with that?" Uria asked smiling at the girl's beautiful plan. She knew already what she was going to do.

"C-can you help me h-hold the fab-bric while I bath?" Linda shuttered feeling her cheeks flushed at her words. She was not used to all this.

Uria smiled and grabbed the fabric, helping her to hold it at each end. "I'm not going to look." Uria rolled her eyes at the girl's racing heart.

As Uria held the fabric, Linda shyly unclothed herself leaving her naked. She felt the cold air hit her body making her body tremor. She didn't feel comfortable at all. Even though no eyes were watching her bath, she still felt watched. She turned around to scan the area but no one was seen. She let her shoulder down, feeling a little relieved.

She started by washing all the ruminants in her hair and the skin. She really wanted to wash her hair but she had no products whatsoever. Just running water and a bail.

After she was done, she tied the red fabric around her body and smartly wore her clothes. She turned around to see some female eyes eyeing her secretly. She squirmed on her spot and immediately rushed out of the place back to her chamber.

She was given a different outfit than the rest. A plain red gown and a flat heel for her feet. She felt refreshed and comfortable. Plus, she had her mouth washed and her thirst were finally quenched.

"You enjoyed your bath?" Uria asked scanning the girl's outfit. Linda nodded shyly and sat on the her small wooden stool. Her hair was still wet, as she let it down.

"Andrew's having soft spots for you, I see." Uria teased. Linda opened her mouth in shock at the mention of his name. She fastly shooked her head.

She responded. "No." She looked away feeling her face getting heated. "He's not" She enticed. Uria chuckled and sat next to the girl.

"Whatever. You should see their creator." Uria sighed dreamily.

Suddenly, Linda's snapped to look at Uria in question. "You know him?" Linda whispered-asked. Uria nodded her head quickly with a small giggle.

"I'm a Dark shadow. I'm paying a visit to earth for the first time." She laughed. "Fortunately, I met you. I was forced by the way." She sighed.

Linda slowly absorbed the information, combing her hair gently with her fingers. She immediately became interested in knowing about Uria. Why was she invisible? She decided she wasn't going to ask.

"I have to go." Linda announced standing up to her feet with a little stumble. "I have a lot of work to do in the garden." She joined. She didn't want the conversation to continue. She inhaled and walked away down the dark hallway that had lamps in support.

As she worked, she couldn't help but think back to what Uria said. Dark shadow? What does that mean? Was it why she was invisible?

"Fuck!" A female voice snapped with an irritation to the edge.

Linda stumbled a bit, trying to hold in her posture. She bit her lips in surprise and looked up to see a familiar face she had once saw with Richard at her first day working.

"I'm sorry ma'am."Linda apologized. Her short frame in front of the female. Breth pressed her eyes shut and opened them, controling her rage. She suddeny gripped on Linda's arm and sent her a death glare.

"Watch where you go next time. You aren't blind." Breth warned. Her breath fanning on Linda's pained expression face. She let go of Linda's arm and walked passed her, pushing her in the process.




Hi, sweethearts!!

How is your day going so far?

Thank you so much for reading this chapter:) I'm grateful!

Any idea on the red fabric??!?!

Breth?! Why do you think she is in the villa?

Leave your sweet comments here--->

Thank you for reading.


Word counts: 1 2 9 6

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