Wicked heart

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The inopportune stillness only seemed to make Linda uncomfortable. She had shifted to the other side of the couch to try to get away from Synn's warming propinquity.

Confirming this, he stands up and walks upstairs, his eyes trained on his phone. He had received a message from one of his men.

"Sir," Ducas animated, his hands shaking with each word he spoke. Synn had given him a tremendous amount of money to keep. He got home that same night and kept the money in his wardrobe where he usually kept his estimable things. Ducas was a working husband with 3 sons and a wife. He was a scum bag who engaged in dirty works to earn money for his family and himself.

Synn answered plainly as he changes into his PJ and lays his phone on the marble counter."What?"

"I'm so sorry boss. Please spare my life." Ducas solicited, undesired sentiments flowing right through him. He knew well enough that Synn was a terrible man. He had seen it on his face. When Synn gave him the money, he went with a warning not lost any of it before the next month. Barely two days, he couldn't find the money in his wardrobe.

"Ducas," Synn drove his fingers into his skin, his eyes dancing with atrocity. "Tell me the real reason why you called." He knew that something wrong must have happened. He gave Ducas the huge sum of money with the purpose of knowing something. If he could trust him well enough to work for him when he established his company. Although, he didn't like the word trust. He couldn't give it or earn it either.

"The money-" Ducas kicked off looking back at his empty wardrobe. "It's gone."

"I don't understand you quite well, Ducas. Explain briefly to me what you mean." He babbled.

"I didn't-"

"You don't tell me that shit talk. I gave you a whole lot of cash that even your hard work can't earn that big amount for 19 years." He explained.

A faint chuckle leaves his lips, a thought getting into his head. "Or." He phrased. "Did you steal from me, Ducas?"

Wide eyes opened, Ducas shook his head. "No! I didn't. I couldn't and wouldn't." He cried. "I don't know how it disappeared. I can't find it-"

"Don't tell me that fucked up lies! I need my money immediately tomorrow." Synn growled as he declined the call. A small smile developed on lips, content.

"Poor thing." He chuckles going out of the bathroom and into his room. He settles on his laptop and began checking some records. As he does so, he looks down at papers that were scattered on the floor. It was his business papers that he had printed.

Scrunched brows, he picks them up and lays them next to him. Who had come and messed up with his papers?

Anger began fueling inside of him as she thought about it. Linda. Had she come here? One thing he hated was someone prowling into his business.

Just then, Linda walks into the room with a candy in her mouth. She didn't even recognize his figure and just gallivanted to the bed with a book in her hands. A pop-up book.

Seething with great anger, he stands up and walks up to her. She looks at him with an innocent look cemented on her face.

"W-what is w-rong?" She questions. She could feel the heat that emitted from him to her. But rather than that, he looked angry. His jaw ticked, his eyes shining with fury. What did she do with his papers?

"So you've been sneaking around huh?" His voice only seeped with rage and anger. She removes the lollipop from her mouth and stands up, trying not to fall.

"What d-do you mean?" Her voice was small and variable. Not the way she spoke to Silver. The dynamic way. Now it wasn't just the scattering of his papers that consumed him. It was his jealousy. He felt jealous seeing what was his with someone else, smiling.

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