Just a day

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"Oh, My Devils! How are you doing? I miss you so freaking much! Oh my! Look at how pretty you are."

Uria kept babbling for what seemed like hours while Linda just stared in a phenomenon.

Uria was in her true form. A human form.

"U-uria?" Linda questioned. She wasn't just shocked to see Uria but also surprised to see Uria in her true form as a being. She looked beautiful from head to toe.

With long braids and bangles that adorned her legs and arms, she looked like a princess. Somehow, Linda felt overawed by just Uria standing in the room. She didn't feel wanted as everyone she had just met looked prettier than her.

"What's wrong?" Uria asked after she had stopped rambling and finally came to a stop to notice how damped Linda looked.

She kept quiet after the short question until she answered. "I'm scared." She whispered. "H-he's intimidating."

Uria threw in a laugh, her tummy quaking with laughter. "Oh really?" She teased. "And here you were the other day wondering how he looked like."

"H-he's so fine." Linda mistakenly choked out to her surprise. She didn't want to admit the truth, but saying it felt better...or worse, she couldn't decide.

"Look at who's loving the man already!" Uria teased, shaking her body absurdly causing Linda to blush.

Loving the man? I am not loving the man.

"Anyways, what are you doing out here?"

Linda hopped back on her feet and sat down where she was before. She gazed at the expansive view that was nothing you could make out of. She didn't even know what it was called.

"What's this?" She asked pointing upwards.

"Oh. Here in hell, we don't have skies and night like earth. We just have the perfect view of the lun."


Uria blows a sigh, "You know, something similar to skies and nights. Everything changes here, Linda. It's different than you think."

"We don't rest like humans here. It's dangerous, cruel, rude and not enjoyable for someone like you. It's a living hell, sweetie and one thing I'm afraid of is you learning how to cope."

Nothing at all made sense to Linda. But what she could make up with was the conditions of the place hell. Of course, she knew hell was a terrible place but she never dreamed of coming here.

"It sounds awful," Linda muttered whirling her fingers apprehensively.

She didn't know of coping. Living with an intimidating man and a place of horror didn't sound like the situation to cope with. She just queried how she's going to live.

The day went by so fast, every second complicated. Linda just sat in the corridor, thinking. Thinking about how her life had turned into a mess and a more confusing mess.

When she noticed the day was getting darker, she decided to go inside and rest. As she walked, she relished every each of the portraitures and paintings. Everything was elegant and astonishingly eye-striking.

She arrived at a room that was financed with a black door. The place was just too big for her to master and get used to. She definitely needed a tour.

"What are you doing here?"

Just by the sound of Synn's voice, her heart started beating faster in her rib cage. She jumped on her feet, her moves backwards.

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