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Abriana POV

"I'm sure sir," I said folding my hands together by my side.

As noxious as it could get, standing in front of Andrew was more suffocating than you could think. He was more intimidating than I thought he'd be.

"You do know I know you're lying to me right now, lady. I guess you forgot how pathetic human heart beats so fast when they are nervous." He haughtily said craning his neck.

"Yours just happens to beat so fast for my liking." He purred craning more of his neck I was afraid it was going to break anytime from now soon.

"I'm sorry sir if you think that way. But I promise I'm not lying to you. " I answered getting jaded of this I'm- not- lying- to- you- game. It'd started to repel me to the bones. I really wanted to go see Linda.

I heard about what happened to her and how a death marker had tried to kill her by suffocating her. Opportunely, Andrew came to her rescue.

"Is that so?" He asked mockingly. I swear right now. If he wasn't higher than me. I would have charged out of here right this moment. He was so annoying yet right.

"Well if you say so. But you may be wrong in that aspect too. I know you know of what happened this noon with her." He told, eyes reaming into mine. I'd tried looking away but according to his rule, he said I was being rude by staring into his grey eyes.

The false beauty of a death marker was their eyes.

"You mean the blood drip?" I asked maliciously. Let's push his button, shall we?

"Yes, the blood drip." He gritted out. He hates when he was asked a question with another question. Something I find so ridiculous.

"I'm sorry sir for not telling you of what happened today. But I don't see the reason for you knowing since she's none of your concern." I diffusely mocked.

I could see the unsettling coated on his face as he slowly took in my words.

"You're so cunny." He chortled. I struggled not to roll my eyes at his words and the cynical tone of his voice.

He resumed. "But also stupid."

"May I take my leave now? You don't need to talk to a stupid person like me." I forced out.

"Be careful Abriana with that tongue of yours. You don't want it snatched do you?" He asked with a Tsk.

God, I hate how's he's so annoying.

"Sorry, sir." I petitioned forcefully.

He raised his voice. "Dismissed."

I slowly turned around and exited his chamber to Linda's room. How rude he is to a woman!

When I got to Linda's room, my eyes fell on her fragile body. She was drowsy and weak. It wasn't her fault, she wasn't to be blamed either.

I laid next to her, softly tarrying my hands on her cold arm. She was indeed pretty and very wise. She needed to learn the ways of life here very soon. What to expect and what not to expect.

She was the chosen one.

"Sleep well little one. You need it." I whispered, cheekily.


The next day was Thursday, the 4th day of the week. Linda woke up quite late than she commonly does. It was mostly expected thinking back to what happened last night.

Straining, the warm sun almost blinded her eyes as she rubbed it open. She looked next to her to see Abriana sleeping form.

Her mind digressed back to last night. She was trying to put in the confusing perplexity. Everything that had happened to her yesterday was still mysterious to her till today. The bloodlike drop and the supernatural hand that had tried to smother her. Or worse, kill her.

She tried as much as possible to forget about what happened but no matter what, her mind still rambled restlessly.

"Good morning, sweetie." Abriana's voice caught her from her thought. She blushed embarrassingly at the thought of Abriana watching her ever since.

"Good morning." She mumbled getting up quickly. She disseminated through her long locks, looking outside.

Why has Richard not come to tell her to get to work?

It was remarkably vague how late she woke up and still she doesn't see an angry Richard crashing on her door to wake her up. The morning didn't feel right to her.

"How was your night?" Abriana pumped trying to comfort the girl. When Linda didn't reply, she gently rapped her on her shoulder.

"S-sorry." she voiced out. Abriana breathed and shook her head.

"It's fine. Freshen up."

And then she left the room for Linda to clean up. She had noticed that Linda didn't like to take her bath while someone was in the room with her. She needed her solitude and she understood.

She left for Midian.

Meantime, while Linda was getting dressed up, Andrew was in his chamber listening to every communication that had taken place between the two females, his ears picking every piece of information.

His mind raced with different suggestions and solutions. His thought was still on the bloodlike drop and death marker that had tried to kill Linda.

As far as he was concerned, He and Richard along with Breth were the only death markers in the villa. He didn't understand how another death marker would have gotten into the villa without any notice.

"Mhmm." He mused to himself. He needed to get more reports about the death marker that had dared entered his villa under his nose.

He remembered precisely when he got to the exhibition of the incident. He felt like there were more than immortals in the room. He knew the kind that had tried to kill Linda was a death marker but there was more to it. He felt like there were more than two souls in the room.

Almost like Shadows inundated the room.

Everything was all complicated in his mind. And what he needed was to talk to Linda about the occurrence.    


Actually, I thought this chapter was rubbish until I read it all over again. I'm proud of myself with this chapter written ✨✨✌🏼

Anyways, what do you think this chapter is leading on?

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