Tear Drop

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The unresponsive night of New York city was chilly and temperate. The smell of rain was puttering around the night and the cheerful sound of children who were excited for Family night out together. They gathered around a spot and played games. They were one sweet happy family.

"I'm happy today." Silver said as he stirs up a cup of coffee in a mug and took a huge sip. "It wants to rain." He mused like a small child.

I giggle at him as I take a seat next to him, the soft blanket rested just right above my knees. I also had a cup of hot chocolate. Radically, Silver and I were all cozied up and ready to watch a horror movie.

He explained to me what a horror movie was and how it went. At first, I was terrorized but then he said it was all acting. I decided to watch one to see for myself.

The intro of the movie, Walking dead starts and suddenly I'm fascinated and eager. I felt a little buzzed up to watching a horror movie.

"You happy about watching a horror movie?" Silver looks at me, his eyes shimmering. I eagerly nodded, taking a huge draw of my hot chocolate.

I hear him chuckle. "This might be your last." He mutters taking another. I just stick out my tongue at him for being an annoying bee.

Suddenly, I saw blood splatters from a boy and spread on the floor, the boy suddenly dead. Cold runs down my spine as I shifted restlessly on my seat. What have I gotten myself into?

A cold piercing scream echos from the screen. A soft whimper flies out from my lips as I drop the mug and cover my ears and eyes, looking away.

"Please switch it off." I pleaded.

The gruff sound of boot that stepped on the asphalt. Andrew looks up at the big building that stood high in all its glory looking as pretty as ever. A small smirk made its way to Andrew's lips as he continues to stare at all the luxuries.

He had come to know from a given source that the devil was on earth. He knew he'd come. It was certain. He chuckles when he catches the red eyes that glittered right across the tinted window.

Synn had seen him.

Red eyes now? Andrew thought to himself as he locks eyes with Synn before teleporting away and back to the chamber.

Synn snarled when he saw the sparkling of the dust of Andrew's teleportation. He slams his hand on the table, his growl louder. He didn't know how to feel but a plan was cooking in his head. If he was the one who created a death marker, then he would also be the same person to end one. And that was going to be Andrew.

He looks back at the spot where Andrew stood and chuckles. He stares long into space, his thoughts contending. He knew well that Andrew had seen him and that he knew he was on earth.

"I thought you said you could handle it." Silver smirk, mockingly. "I thought I could," I said as I take out the mug I had used to drink into the sink to wash it. One of the maids looks at me protesting she washes the cup but I just shrugged and told her I can.

I walk back into the living room and curl myself in the blanket, switching the channel to one of my new favourite channels. "I thought I could. Also, I was trying to take the risk."

"Don't next time." Silver laughs. "You wouldn't know what's installed for you at the other side." He finishes off. I nod at his reply and proceeded in watching my relaxing movie.


"Hey!" I heard a tap on my shoulder. "You fell asleep so quickly. Might want to go to your room and sleep there. It's 10 PM." Silver's voice rang. I threw out a tired yawn and look at him. "Is it?" I asked and he just drones. I didn't know when I had fallen into a deep slumber but I guess that's a good thing because I needed to take a nap.

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