Leading on

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Sandals or heels?

As much as you thought about it, the more confused you had got. Andrew looked down at the drawings that were slightingly covered with paintings. His fingers scraped over the surface of the drawing trying to find out what was hidden under the painting.

Was it a mistake?

He had left the villa back to hell and when he came back, he was shocked to see that one of his drawings was tainted with red oil paint.

Sure enough, he had locked his room when he left leaving guidance not to enter his villa to the maidens. Certain more than ever, he never did have paintings or cans of paints in his room. Just frames and portraits.

He looked down at the drawing. Mysteriously, he saw a weird canvas that was stained with paint. He also didn't recognize the drawing that was hidden under. He couldn't even make out what was drawn.

"Who?" He murmured under breathing, tapping his chin. Did someone get inside his chamber when he was gone?

But he locked his chamber.

"Maybe it's one of the maidens." Richard spoke out. He too had never seen anything like that before. Evidently, the paint meant something and was drawn by someone. The only question was who could have snuck into Master Andrew's chamber and draw something so roguish and then splatter red paintings on it.

Almost like he/she didn't want anyone to find out what was drawn.

"It can't be. It's not the maidens. Perhaps, an immortal. Only an immortal use red to paint." Andrew considered in confusion.

"You sure master?" Richard asked confused as well.

Andrew's finger stopped tapping his chin, letting out a deep chuckle. "Doubting my words again?" He asked.

Richard suddenly sank in fear, his facial expression staggering. Richard answered, "No.

Andrew irritatedly answered with a scowl. "It has to be a death marker. I think they are more to it than it leads." He raised his gaze a little, trying to think a little harder.

Are there more than just 3 death markers in one villa being Breth, Richard and himself?


Could it be the death marker who had tried to strangle Linda to death?

He kept on wondering for good 10 minutes. By then, Richard was gone from his chamber and off to assist the maidens.

One thing was sure, he needed to go back to Lucas. Something was wrong somewhere.

"Is there something I should know about?" Uria questioned the enthusiastic girl that looked moderately confused.

"What is it going to be?" She asked herself. "It's just a week ahead and it s-scares me." She whimpered feeling slight revulsion coming along.

Uria felt sympathy for Linda. Whoever was in Linda's position would have committed suicide just to get away from the dreaded position. She could feel Linda wasn't yet. Wasn't ready for what's to come.

"W-why me?" Linda whimpered aloud. By now, tears were sauntering down her cheeks. "I don't want to go see him. I don't want to." She wailed.

Uria wished she could mutate into her human form and hold the girl close. Close to confront the little girl. She wished she could tell the girl that he wasn't bad as they say but they'd both know it was a lie. He was nasty, roguish and petrifying.

"It's going to be okay, sweetie," Uria said.

"How? I don't want to go to hell. I don't want to be part of the deal." Linda told. She glimpsed through her wet eyelashes and asked. "Have you seen him before?" She sought Uria.

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