Marked and Tainted

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I'm afraid this is the last chapter of THE DEVIL'S BRIDE. The next chapter will be of Epilogue. God, this is so painful😭

Mature content!

It was past bedtime in which I slept by 10:00 PM. I cuddle close to Synn, his black beanie still on his head while we both sat on the couch watching a late-night movie, snacks and drinks disbanded on the table before us.

I snake my hand around Synn's arm, placing my head on his shoulder, a chip within my lips.

"We should get going to sleep." He mumbles as I yawn. I look up from the TV and stare at him.

"You still look dynamic. While don't you go to sleep while I continue snacking here." I suggest smirking. He digs a hole in my forehead, taking the bag of chips from me all of a sudden.

"You are not eating healthy." He warns dropping the bag of chips on the table beside us.

"I know but what can you do about it?" I tease stretching forth to grab another potato chip from the center table ignoring the little groan coming from him.

Just as I was about to grab it, my hand was swatted away by Synn as he pulls my body forward to meet his.

"You're getting really daring, I noticed." He whispers in my ear, his hand going into my shirt. I broaden my eyes at his words, a blush stained on my cheeks.

"I can change that in just a matter of seconds, babygirl." I feel his teeth snack softly on my earlobe, his hands trailing upper into my shirt until it gets to where my bra was.

I squirm feeling his hands poke underneath my bra, his index finger grazing my nipple.

"Synn..." I whine separating myself from him, squeezing my thighs. I look up at him to see his corner smirk on his lips, his eyes skimming towards mine knowing what he did.

"Stop smirking like that." I push, pouting my lips.

"Why?" He asks, fixing his beanie, his fingers mixed with the warm fabric of the material on his head.

"It makes me feel defeated," I confess. Even he knows the feeling I had when he smirked. It was something so...I just couldn't explain. Seeing his lips tilt upon his very attractive face, his dark eyebrow rested above his eyes.

He laughs, leaning in to kiss my cheeks. "You're very cute." He comments making me go redder than I was before.

I huff, placing my hands on my chest, eyeing the chips on the table skeptically.

"Poor chips." I sigh standing up and deciding to go with his more primal suggestion.

On getting there, I hear the door lock click behind me. I turn around, my eyes scrunching at the action.

"Why'd you lock t-"

I feel the soft pair of lips connect with mine stopping me between mid-sentence, my eyes growing wide. Synn's lips were soft and sleek. I don't think I'd be able to get over it. His lips were coupled against mine, my eyes sealed enjoying the bliss of pleasure course through my vein.

Without warning, I was thrown on the bed my mind going far from reality but only acknowledging this only one presence. My hand climb their way to his shoulder, wandering up to his beanie and removing it thoughtlessly throwing away.

I moan softly, his tongue lapping the lower lips of mine asking for permission to enter through. I open my mouth without wasting any time, my body slipping weak along with my knees. I was giving in to him; being submissive.

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