Realize- oh

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The next morning was very hard regarding it rained so badly last night. Thinking back to last night, I couldn't remember anything except falling asleep on the bed and a soft blanket was thrown on me.

I sit elevated and look around me. The weather wasn't sunny today because of lasts night's disaster of rain and dispersed storms. The morning cloud remained a dark shade of rain- new rain exactly.

The spot next to me looked rumpled from where Synn slept last night. The pillow was dipped a little bit next to mine. Synn must have gone out since that was what he did every morning. Sometimes, I was really curious about what he did and wished he told me. But he never did. He was also a tight-lipped person.

The disgusting stink of my breath alerted me that I needed to start the morning. I throw the soft blue blanket to the other side of the bed, the cold wind scraping my exposed legs sending crispness. There were times I needed cold and sometimes, I didn't.

The room was slightly messed up. Different colours of blankets laid on the floor while Synn's laptop was seated in a weird position that looked like it could fall. I decided that today was I was going to arrange this room all by myself and just clean it thoroughly. It's been a very long time since I did some chores around except wash my plates myself.

I walked into the bathroom, the wind gushing out and hitting me in an instant from the bathroom's window. Unmistakably, I was going to be wearing a sweater this morning.

I look at my reflection from the mirror and sighed. I didn't look good at all. Not that expected to look any better. I looked above my forehead, my hair was crimped and dry which meant that I wouldn't be able to brush it that smoothly. My lips were slightly inflated and chapped, some of its skin peeling. My eyes had dark circles around them and sure enough, I looked like a beast.

I picked up my toothpaste and toothbrush from the small container that was just on the counter. I start to brush around my teeth and tongue, spitting the remains into the sink. I bring the toothbrush to my teeth again and brush it before rinsing my mouth with my favourite mouthwash.

Done with the dental care, I open the small cabinet that was fixed to the counter and bring out a brush and a wide-tooth comb. This was going to be painful just seeing how the comb was easily stuck into my hair. I start from the tip going to the roots as I slowly brush my hair using the wide-tooth comb. After several minutes of combing and groaning, I put my hair in a bun to get it away from my face.

It wasn't frizzly anymore but I planned on washing my hair this morning. Primarily, myself and my thoughts. I'd considered it self-care or pampering myself.

I grab a charcoal face cleanser and coat it on my palms before rubbing it on my face, practically massaging my face. I had dry skin and a blending of oily skin which I guessed was okay. Although dry skin could be a lot of stress to handle. Done washing the smears off my face, I decided to head into the shower and bath.

Clicking on the red button, the beeping of the water heater turns on. I remove my hair from the bun and quickly did a brush through to get rid of the little muddles that were in it. I strip from my old clothes and enter into the glass shower, shutting it behind.

The vapour made my muscles loosened and I sigh in contentment. A hot bath was positively the best care of the morning. I grab onto a shampoo and start from my root walking my way to the end. Abriana once told me that shampoos were only for the roots and not the tip of the hair to clean out dandruff. Done with the shampoo, I move to the conditioner and repeat the same method I did with the shampoo. The last process was washing my body and shaving my legs.

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