Trying Times

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This chapter dedicated to HeyitsRahaf


Olivia's POV

I spent the day with Travis. Sounds bad, I know, but he's not as bad as I assumed he was. After I stormed off, he stood by the door and insisted I let him in to talk it out. He actually gave me a better explanation than the rest of them have. For some reason I felt okay talking to him and that's weird.

I had to take him to the beach though, to make sure Zayn didn't see him. I told him I just needed some alone time to just walk on the beach and reflect. Which wasn't entirely a lie I suppose, I did need to think about everything that's been going on lately. Just with Travis, their biggest enemy, tagging along.

"Oliva? Are you okay?", I was snapped back to reality when I heard Travis calling my name.

"Sorry, I was spaced. I really should be getting back soon. I'm sure the boys will blow a fuse if they get back and I'm not-" I was cut off by lips crashing themselves onto mine. Then he pulled away. "-there"

He smiled and then in an instant I was back home. Something about him was so weirdly genuine, I just wanted to know more.

"Farewell Olivia. This will not be our last meeting, I promise you this.", he said handing me back my phone that I didn't realize he had in the first place. I couldn't tell if I should be worried or intrigued. This is so off.

When I opened my phone I realized he added himself as a contact. A few minutes later the boys arrived back home. They all pulled my into a hug with looks of dismay and disappointment evident on their features.

"We couldn't get Louis out. It's too heavily guarded," Liam spoke up. I should tell them shouldn't I? Yeah, that's probably best.

"There's something that I need to tell you," We both said. I motioned for him to go first, but he refused. I gave him an incredulous look.

"Okay, at the same time." I raised three fingers and so did he. One.....two...three. As I dropped a third finger, they were pretty shocked to say the least.

"I'm / You're also Travis' mate," We both looked at each other bewildered.

"You knew?!", We were still wide eyed and saying the exact same things.

Liam's POV

How did she know? I knew because Louis told me when we went close to the camp. I could mind link to him clearer there and he told me all of what Travis said. Now I have to compete with the bastard too.

"Louis told me. How did you know?" I asked a now red Liv. She seemed like she was hiding something.

"Well...umm.." Definitely hiding something.

"Spit it out Liv," Harry said getting impatient. I was too but I just was still a bit shocked.

"Well.....Travisstoppedbythehousewhileyouguyswereoutandimayhavespentthedaywithhim.." Okay, WHAT?

"Olivia, slower." She smiled sheepishly.

She bit her lip nervously. Damn she looked cute doing that.

"Travis stopped by the house while you guys were out and I may have spent the day with him..." Oh ok...Wait WHATTT???!!!

Zayn's POV

Did she just say she spent the day with Travis?!

Harry's POV

She did not just say she spent the day with him.

Niall's POV


Harry's POV

Looks like a Travis is about to get his ass whooped today.

Liam's POV

We all looked at Liv in shock and disbelief. How did she spent the day with him? Was he better than us? Was he better than me? Will he win her love? What the hell am I saying?!

Olivia's POV

They all looked at me with a look of horror smeared all over their faces. They sad part was, I could hear their thoughts. Clearly I have to keep an eye on Harry.

"Look guys, I'm okay, I'm fine really. He just wanted to explain it to me. And why are you mad? He seemed to know more than you all did, so why not hear him out?" I said in shock at their thoughts, trying to keep a handle on the situation.

Harry spoke up.

"How could you be alright with that monster taking you out for a day? It's disgusting." I was in total disbelief. What could Travis have done that was so bad? I don't care but for some reason I felt like he shouldn't be spoken about like that. What am I saying...WHO AM I?

"Don't you dare say that Styles! At first when you all took me,  I though you were monsters too. But I got to know you, I talked to you, I gave you all a chance. Now can you tell me what Travis did for you all to hate him that much?" They all stayed quiet. I took that as my answer, they wanted to be mad but keep me in the dark. They all stood and glared at the poor grass.

I was frustrated but I did need to know more. I pulled out my phone and called the last person I ever thought I would call.


Comment your ship names down below, I'm curious. Love yall~~~~~Sky

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