A Glimmer Of Hope

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Damn. 100k reads and counting. Never in my life would I have thought this would reach that many. I'm sorry I left yall hanging in 2016, it was a pretty hectic year and 2017 is going to be as well. I haven't updated in so long so I hope this makes up for it. Love you all- Sky ♡



Olivia's POV

The room was massive. Almost impossibly so. The ceilings were definitely higher than the height of the actual building.

There were massive white bookshelves lining each wall, the many levels above us chatting with life. The elevators in the middle of the room were glass bound, and were rocketing to floor at a unimaginable speed. The whiplash from that thing must be insane.

The pristine white walls were all mirroring eachother and the copious amount of books and papers were evident on them. The levels were each categorized by letter. I couldn't help but stare in awe at the well oiled machine infront of me.

"You guys sure are neat," I jokes, still not taking my eyes off what I was seeing. I heard a deep sigh from beside me and when I turned Travis had already started walking towards the terrifying cylinder I had been hoping to avoid.

"Uhh... do we have to go in that thing? I mean, I could take the stairs..", I said, side-eyeing the hunk of glass to my right. He smirked at me and I rolled my eyes.

"I'm serious, you guys are all wolf, I'm sure you can take the whiplash that comes from that thing but I'd rather not," he just shook his head and dramatically sighed.

"Well, if you want to walk up 12 flights of stairs be my guest, love," he said stepping into the death trap before me.

I groaned and skeptically stepped in, Holton coming in infront of me. I had almost forgotten his presence in the room because of how suspiciously quiet he was.

He pushed the number thirteen on the clear panel next to us and the doors closed in, sealing my fate.

I hadn't even had time to acknowledge the dramatic irony of the situation, as we literally shot up into the sky. We were on the thirteenth floor in almost a second. My stomach dropped and flew up in a matter of milliseconds.

"Oh I feel like I'm gonna throw up," I stepped out of the elevator and landed on the ground. I felt a hand go around my waist and lifted me up, cradling me. When I looked up, it was suprisingly Holton.

"Thank you," I managed to mutter out, my voice barely above a whisper. Someone cleared their throat next to us and my eyes snapped to theirs.

Travis didn't look pleased to say the least and started walking towards the bookshelves. My cheeks flushed and I quickly scrambled to get down. I have Holt a small smile before trying to catch up with the wolf stalking ahead of me. Damn all you tall people with your long ass legs..

I managed to catch up with him when he stopped infront of on of the shelves and tried to act like I wasn't completely out of breath. I really need to work out more, this is just embarrassing.

"See anything?," I shyly asked, trying not to irritate him further, hoping to not have to deal with more temperamental men.

"Nada," he said shortly. Well, there goes that hope.

"I would check in the other sections dear brother, unless you wanna be here for centuries, which you don't have," his brooding brother commented. I jumped at the baritone voice, as I hadn't noticed him come up behind me.

We had been searching for maybe a half hour and Travis was beginning to get visibly frustrated. We haven't had any luck so far and again, Holt was being weirdly quiet. He sat in the middle of the room, with his feet on the desk that was void of colour infront of him. I eyes him suspiciously but he said nothing.

"Well, if you would stop being a smart ass and help, we wouldn't be here for that long," Travis sneered. He was busily throwing and flipping through books trying to find the right one.

"Ugh, you're no fun", he dramatically sighed and made a show of getting up, before walking to a shelf on the car left and pulling out a sizable book. It was deep scarlet, almost the colour of blood, with a large golden clasp on the front of it. He chucked it at Travis who caught it before it smacked into his head.

"Happy now?" If looks could kill, Holt would be twelve feet under.

"You knew where it was this whole time?!" He was in his face before I could even register what was happening. He started walking him with the large book and the sight was actually kind of hilarious. I made no attempt to seperate them because I was honestly annoyed too, I mean, we didn't really have time to waste here.

He gave him one last glare, which was met with a innocent smile before turning back to face me. He handed me the book and grabbed my hand, leading me back to the death trap.

"A thank you would be nice!", was heard as the glass doors shut.

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