Let's Go!

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Olivia's POV

Well, if they're making me play they will be playing by my rules. I'm tired of them cheating and using their amazing, but annoying , vampire powers.

"Alright, listen up! If you're making me play, we're playing by my rules," They all nodded and waited for me to continue.

'No using your vampire powers to cheat. That's it," I said simply, before marching ober to the pile they had outside in the yard and grabbing a red paintball gun. They nodded again and we split into teams.

Niall, Harry and I were on the red team and Liam, Zayn and Louis were on the blue team. Liam shouted to all of us while holding a clicker of some sort. I eyed it a bit curious then paid attention to what he was saying. My eyes widened.

"One..two...THREE!", as he clicked the button the lights in the yard all cut off and were replaced by black lights. And some loud ass music playing through the outdoor speakers. There was a bunch of neon paint splattered everywhere that I hadn't noticed before. They had spray painted the walls And I somehow hadn't noticed it before.

And we then were off. We headed in the direction to the trees, all along which were painted in different designs and symbols. Some of the trees even had black lights strung up along them. How long did it take them to set this all up? I wanted to stop and stare at them all but we were in the middle of a war.

"Right, so what's the plan?", Good question Harry...

"How about ....Niall you get Liam..Harry get Louis and I'll get Zayn. Got it?", I rattled off, hoping that would work out.

"Yeah" They choroused.

"What are we standing around for....GO!", they wasted no time and took off in separate directions.

Now to find Zayn. I ran in the direction of the tree house, thinking that maybe he would use that to his advantage for sniping.

As I inched closer, I ducked down when I saw hands glowing through the window.


I crouched down into the bushes to avoid alerting him of my presence. Hopefully his vamp hearing is distracted due to the loud music blaring in the background. I'm guessing Liam thought that one out.

Point Liam.

I tried to be as quiet as I could as I snuck up the ladder, from what I could make out, the hatch to get in was open. Careless, careless Zayn..

I peeked in and I could see him standing at the window now. Paintball gun in hand, his biceps glowing due to the pain that covered him. I quickly snapped myself out of my daze and aimed my gun up at him.

"This is probably going to hurt", I saw his eyes snap to mines just as I fired the shot. A red splatter of paint right on his bicep, joining the blend of paint that was already encompassing his torso.

I quickly typed put a text to Niall saying that I accomplished my mission before attending to the matter at hand.

His mouth was hanging open in shock as I stood in place. A innocent smile on my face, staring up as if nothing happened. I threw him a wink before trying to make my way out of the tree.

I was promptly stopped by a hand grabbing onto mine and pulling me inside. I tilted my head as I took in the man before me. His eyes a deep violet, contrasting the neon lining of his muscles that shone under the lights.

It was then that I realized he was shirtless. My breath hitched in my throat and I was sure he heard that. Get yourself together Liv.

He smirked and placed his hand on the small of my back. I didn't know my shirt had rose up till I felt his cool fingertips touch my back, sending chills up my spine.

I let out a shakey breath and went to tear my gaze away from his eyes, when he closed the space between us. The heat that rose inside my body was the least of the heats I was worried about at this point.

We were broken out of our embrace when a loud siren blast. I jumped back and tried to catch my breath. That's when I heard some loud explosions. Zayn and I rushed towards the window to see what was going on.

Red fireworks were scattered around the sky. I guess that means we won.

I looked over at Zayn with a proud smirk on my face. I threw him a wink before heading down the ladder and to the house, smiling all the way back.

Okay so I edited I hope you all keep reading, commenting and voting on the story. Love you all my crazy lovely readers :* ~~~~~Sky

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