The Vampire And The Werewolf.....

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Louis' POV

My jaw almost slammed through the floor. Did he just say that Liv is also his mate?! That's impossible. A werewolf and a vampire or should I say vampires, can't have the same mate. This is insane. It was crazy enough when she was just our mate now she's Travis' as well.

"That's impossible, there is no way that we have to fight off you too. Ugh, the list of people I have to compete with just keeps getting longer," I groaned back at him. He rolled this eyes and sat back in frustration.

"Tell me about it," He said as he sank back. He seemed about as angry about this as I was. Not fully angry though but fairly confused too.

How is this even possible? I knew Liv was different, but not this different. How can she be the mate of a vampire and a werewolf? Hoe can she have ghis many mates to begin with? It doesn't add up.

"Okay, I'm about as irritated about all of this as you are, so let's back track. Has there been anything different about Liv, other than the fact she is mated to six of us?" I thought back. Ivory had said something before that we hadn't really asked her about.

"Well a witch named Ivory-" he rolled his eyes and let out an annoyed groan at mention of her name, "I'm guessing you two know eachother. Well anyway, when we went to her she said that we had done enough bring "it" here, when she saw Liv. She hadn't liked Oliva being there, her presence oddly seemed like it was making her weaker. She kept her distance alot and never really interacted with Liv," I admitted. I never though I would be having a conversation this calmly with Travis of all people, "oh, and there's the fact that she could possibly be a witch."

He looked shocked but nodded, it seemed like the mental pieces were slowly drifting together.

Travis' POV

Ivory clearly knows what's going on, but I can't get to her because she cast a shadow spell on herself. That makes it pretty impossible to find her and i guess she was warrented to never want to see me again. I didn't like her and she loathed me. We were not on the best terms but I need to find out what the hell is going on.

"I'll figure it out, don't worry," I said to the idiot in the chair. As I walked out, I turned to him.

"Oh and don't worry, Olivia will be safe with me when she chooses me as her mate," I winked to the boy who now looked more enraged than I had ever seen a person. I smiled whilst shutting the large steel door, locking it behind me.

Olivia's POV

I feel bad not being able to help the boys with Louis. They've all gone down to Travis' "base camp" to try and figure a way into it. I was sat downstairs in the lounge when I heard rocks moving in the backyard. I assumed it was one of the boys, so I stepped outside.

As the September air hit my skin, I was slammed into a wall. Strangely enough, I wasn't hurt at all. I looked up to find the one and only Travis. Great day we're having folks.

I've never noticed his eyes were before. Hazel with a slight gold ring around the pupil. It was a sight to see till my mind caught up to who I was staring at. I pushed him off and his slight smirk disappeared. He looked almost hurt. Like I would believe that.

"You took Louis," I said in my most accusing voice. He still seemed to have not gotten over the eye contact.

"I had to prove a point," He said smugly. Something about him was oddly intriguing and I always seemed to craved a bit more knowledge about the wolf infront of me. What am I saying? He kidnapped Louis.

"And what would that be?", He pushed me back onto the wall again. I could feel his breath fanning on my lips. He looked down at them, then locked on my eyes once again.

"That no one will keep me away from my mate," before I could utter a word, he crashed his lips onto mines. It was strangely electrifying. And I liked it. Why did I like it?........Wait a minute did he just say mate?!

Travis' POV

Yes! I kissed her and it was euphoric. And she seemed to like it too because she kissed me back. Then when she pulled away her eyes were wide.

"How am I your mate? Is that even possible?", she seemed flustered obviously. The ponk tinge evident on her cheeks. I tried my best to explain it all, even though I was pretty on the dark myself.

"Well, once in a while a miracle or disaster happens. It all depends on how the miracle or disaster plays out. In this case, you're the miracle and well disaster will follow. It's rare that they both happen one after the other," She looked as if she was still processing, I dont blame her. What I just said sounded like psycho babble.

"So now you are added to the list I have to choose from?" She let pit a frustrated groan. She knows? I wonder if the boys know that she knows...

She shook her head. Wait did she just read my mind? She nodded.

"How can you do that you're not even a vampire and witches cannot read minds," She just shrugged.

"I don't know. One day they just started manifesting." Interesting, she really is quite extraordinary. She shyly smiled and tucked some of her loose golden strands behind her ear. Her face beginning to resemble a tomato. I forgot that she can read my mind.

"Wait a minute, how do you know I'm a witch?", she said accusingly. I scratched the back of my neck.

"Louis told me," Well that didn't get her mad at all. She slammed me against the wall with an insane amount of strength out of nowhere. Then angrily retreated back inside like none of this ever happened. What was that?

Alright so I realized a bit of the plot wasn't 100% lining up, my bad I was like 14. It was my first book but I gave it a pretty good start though. I hope you all are still enjoying this book and I'll start to upload more of the sequel as time goes by. I'm sorry I'm so behind on all of this. Hope you enjoy though~~Sky

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