Let's Go Home

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Olivia's POV

It felt like a truck and run me over, backed up and proceeded to run me over again. I was still clutching the fragile note in my hands, ignoring the world that continued to spin around me.

I felt a pair of strong arms wrap around me, gently pulling me into their chest. My tears were free flowing now, not showing any signs of stopping any time soon.

Liam was always a comforting presence to be around. He gently rubbed my back and didn't try to make me stop crying, he just held me and let me cry it all out. I couldn't bear to look up and face the pitiful looks from the others, so I buried my face further into his chest.

I felt insanely bad for insinuating they they killed my parents, hell for even thinking it. They should hate me right about now, I've been nothing but a pain in the ass this whole time...

"We could never hate you Olivia," a voice spoke softly. I forgot Niall could read minds...
I gave him a half smile. My sweet boy.

"Well you should.. I mean, I did run away with your enemy and all..." They all gave me weary yet understanding smiles. I guess they could at least sort of see it from my perspective.

Liam piped up from behind me, his chest vibrating as he spoke, "Liv, we understand why you went with Travis. You needed answers and we couldn't give them to you. Now that you know the truth...we were hoping that you'd come home with us again...?"

I though for a second. There was no doubt in my mind anymore. I know they were only trying to protect me, even though I was a bit annoyed that they didn't think I could handle the truth. 

"Of course I will," I tried my best to give them a genuine smile but I couldn't quite get it right. If the guys noticed, they didn't say anything about it. I was grateful that they didn't further press me to talk about anything till I was ready. 

My hopes were cut short when I looked over. Harry was carefully observing me, his eyes roaming every inch of my face, taking in every minor detail.  When our eyes met he gave me a look that said 'We'll talk about this later'.  Great.

Harry's POV

"Of course I will," Liv said smiling again. Her smile didn't quite reach her eyes and it seemed like it almost hurt her to do it. I mean, I don't blame her, if I had found out a secret like that I would've broken down completely. There were small bags under her eyes, almost unnoticeable. She definitely looked beautifully tired, if that was possible. When we locked eyes I gave her a small look, signaling we needed to talk. She hesitantly gave me a small nod.

She was as hell strong no doubt about it, even if she didn't believe it. At least now she'll be back home with us and away from Travis and his mutts.

Travis was charming and cunning, I'll give him that. Who knows what he's told Liv so far. I just hope we have enough time to get her on our side, the four others are competition enough.

After Liv told Travis that she was leaving, he happy demeanor switched instantly. He was sulking but still trying to keep up his cheery facade for her. Hell, he didn't even care that we had helped Louis escape, he was too preoccupied with Liv. I almost felt bad that I was ecstatic that she was leaving him for us. Truly, I felt kind of sorry for him. 

We all understood what he was going through, I mean he is our enemy, don't get me wrong, but all he really wanted was his mate. Just like us.

She got her things and we traveled back to our house. Liv walked up the stairs and we all trailed in after her. She wasted no time heading up the stairs and going straight to her room. I could only imagine how exhausted she was after all that happened today.

She stopped at her door frame and slowly inched the door open. She smiled to herself.
"Everything is just like I left it," she spoke softly. We nodded collectively.

We hadn't known if she was coming back but we left her room untouched, just in case.
She went in and gave us a small smile before shutting the door. We assumed that if she needed anything she'd call us, so we all left and headed down to the living room.

Olivia's POV

After shutting the door, I was all alone with my thoughts for the first time in a while. I decided before I started to overthink I would take a shower. Looking down at my body, I was covered in dirt and bits of grass. 

I walked into the bathroom and bat on the edge of the porcelain bath, gently turning the water on. I stood up and I cringed slightly, catching a glimpse of myself in the wide mirror before me. I started peeling the layers of clothing off of me and then stepped into the warm bath.

I let the water sooth my mind as I sat back and tried not to think too much. That in of itself was asking a lot of my psyche. I couldn't help the thoughts that began to swirl around inside my head, mimicking the bubbles that moved around me in the bath.

I can't believe that this is what my life has become, vampires, werewolves, pentas, witches and who knows what else...and to think the catalyst of all this was a fucking camping trip...

I wonder how this would have gone if I had never gone on the trip, how would my life be going then...would I be in college? Still rooming with the girls? God I miss them so fucking much, it almost aches me.

God, I feel kind of bad for the guys too. I feel bad for Travis, I know me leaving hurt him, I could see it in his face. I feel bad for assuming the worst about the guys...wait I never apologized to them about it...did I? I can't even remember now....I probably should tell them just in case.

I could feel the once tepid water growing colder. I carefully rose out of the bath and wrapped my body in the plush white towel that sat next to me. I haphazardly blow dried my hair and threw on the first pieces of clothes I could find. I gave myself the once over and when I was satisfied with my reflection I walked down the stairs. I heard voices coming from the living room so I assumed they were in there. Walking in I began to apologize but was cut short.

"I am so sorry gu-", they all shot off the couch and pulled me into a group hug.

"Liv, you don't have to apologize. We all love you, no matter what," Louis said soothingly whilst stroking my hair.

After they let me go, I wished them all a good night and headed back up to my room. I was fairly exhausted and the events of today were beginning to take a toll on me. 

As I was laying in bed, I heard the door creak open and I shot up immediately.
When I saw who was at the door, I let go of the breath I didn't know I was holding and my heart rate began to go back down.

"God Harry, you scared the shit out of me," I half chuckled.

He gave me a embarrassed grin, "Sorry, I didn't mean to. Is it okay if I coming in?"

I laughed and moved over, patting the spot next to me. He wasted no time walking over and plopping down next to me, pulling the covers over his long legs.

"Liv, when you agreed to come back with us, did you actually want to? You seemed kind of hesitant,"  And there was his 'We'll talk later'.

I sighed, picking at a loose thread on the comforter. "Harry, it wasn't so much that I was hesitant it's just- I don't know. All of the emotions and finding out about my self and my parents,"

I took a breath and continued, "There's just so many factors and random things being thrown at me and I just need a bit of time to figure them out. So many big decisions I have to make." He pulled me into a hug, I rested my head on his firm chest and listened to his gently heartbeat. 

He toyed with my hair and softly replied.

"When the time comes, you'll have all your answers. I promise," Well, that wasn't mysterious at all...

I gave him a slight nod and he took that as an answer. He kissed me on the forehead and left, gently shutting my door on his way out.

God, what am I going to do...

I hope you all enjoyed the chapter. Ik I haven't uploaded in a while. I'm sorry. A bit of writers block but I'm back now and I will try to upload more. ~~~~Sky

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