The Truth Is A Bitch

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Olivia's POV

What did I just read. They can't possibly be connected. Could they? No. They wouldn't do that. But then again I don't know them all that well. All these thoughts rushed through my head as fast as I rushed through the doors of the archives.

I ran and ran to nowhere in particular. I came upon a clearing in the woods. I sat and I concentrated on contacting Liam. Why not just call him you might ask, well I didn't want anyone over hearing the message and this way no one would.

Liam, can you hear me?


Yes. I need you all to meet me at a clearing in the woods off Travis' territory.

You realize there are dozens of clearings right?

Yes. I do. Find me quickly. I don't care how you do it.

Okay...we'll be there soon.

Now, I know that I was being a tad bit bitchy, but at that moment all I cared about find out what that meant...

I sat on a tree stump in the clearing and waited till I heard a bush rustle. I jumped to my feet, unsure of who was actually there. Five figures emerged and immediately engulfed me in a hug. I hesitantly hugged back. Noticeably stiff as a board.

"What happed Liv? Was it Travis? What did the bastard do?," Harry asked agitated.

"It's what you bastards possibly did." They looked at me in utter confusion. Okay that was kind of a lot Lo, reel it in...

"What are you talking about?" Niall asked, his thick accent present. I shakily handed over the paper and their eyes grew wide and weary. That confirmed my suspicions and I backed away slowly. Tears free falling as I gained my footing enough to start running.

It was no use however. One of them quickly grabbed me and I fought back. Hard. I didn't know I had that amount of strength within me and it shocked them as well. Harry flung back and landed on the grass, it luckily cushioned the blow. Liam ran to grab me and with one swift motion he was on the ground as well. My body seemed like it was moving on autopilot, following along to some algorithm that I wasn't aware of.

So it went until they were all down and made my way over to a tall tree. I way too early scaled it and sat on one of the upper branches. The message was loud and clear that I did exactly want them to be all "lovey dovey" right now, so they let me have my space. Each of them slowly walked over and sat on the grass below me, as if trying to regain their strength.

How could I have fought down five powerful vampires? Where did that power come from? How-

I heard a voice that brought me back to where I was.

"What just happened?" Beats me.

"I'm not really sure..." Their necks all snapped up in my direction. I forgot how good their hearing is. Their stares were intense but held an undertone of guilt. They clearly knew what had happened that night to my parents and I couldn't believe that they kept it from me.

Liam was still clutching onto the report, when he saw me glancing at it he tucked it away into his shirt pocket.

"Liv, I'm sorry we didn't tell you sooner but do you think you could come down here so we could talk about it?", Liam asked hesitantly, still keeping eye contact with me. He was on his feet now, gently gesturing for me to come down.

"I'm good up here thanks," I called back. I didn't want to go down there till I properly gathered my thoughts. I couldn't. If I did, I might have just fallen into their eyes again and who knows what happened all those years ago.

They could have been deceiving me all along in some sick and twisted plot. Sitting up there with just my thoughts was starting to get to me bit I still didn't want to go down and look them in the eyes.

Then a thought crossed my mind, rather, a person. LOUIS!

"Uh, guys. I know we kind of have a situation going on here right now but I think I know where he has Louis," their eyes widened and they listened attentively to the instructions I gave.

When we were in the Archives, I managed to slip a copy of the blueprints between the stacks of books we each had. It was pretty easy to conceal them among the piles of papers and I had learnt of a small flaw in their otherwise perfect design. I guess the fact that they hadn't really remodeled was in my favour.

There was a small gap in the large fence that wrapped around the compound, very conveniently near the "storage" shed I had seen. It was a long shot but if they boys could get in and out without being seen using their speed, it could work.

They nodded and headed off to attempt my mission "kind of possible" plan, though Liam stayed back. Mich to my dismay..

I looked down and gave him a look to which he replied with a sheepish grin.

"You didn't think I was gonna leave you here all alone, did you?"

Sigh, there goes my other plan....

It's kind of a mess and rereading the story now is kind of wild to me that you guys kept with it for so long 😂😭 I know I must sound like a broken record at this point but I'm really happy you guys did and for the ftr's you guys are ending up reading a bit of extra story and plot lines here and there. I hope you all still enjoy and continue enjoying the book. Love y'all ~~~~Sky

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