A Little Goodbye

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Olivia's POV

We got to Travis' car shortly, which was off a small path on the edge of the woods. My mind drifted back to the guys. I felt bad for not going back and talking to them or calling them to let them know I'm okay. Wait why didn't I do that to begin with...studpid Olivia,  stupid.

"Hey, Travis. Umm..I'm going to call the boys real quick just so they know I'm okay," He nodded and I walked ahead a bit dialing Liam's number. He seemed like the right one to call. I nervously picked at a loose piece of skin on my thumb when I waited for him to pick up.

"Hey Li," I nervously managed to get out. I heard multiples screeches and competing voices coming through the line. I could make out all but one. Niall.

"Is that Liv? Ugh Harry get off me...Liv?...Livvy where are you?....Olivia? What happened and where are you?", I finally heard Liam speak clearly.

"Yes, it's me and it's okay. I'm okay....I felt bad for not telling you guys that I left," God I felt so bad. It felt like I was abandoning them, even though I knew I would eventually go back. I'm dramatic, I'm well aware..

"Love, please come home," I heard Harry say. His voice is shaking, I don't think over ever heard him sound so vulnerable.

"I'm sorry but I can't yet. I need some time to think about this, about everything. I need to do some digging about all of this and find out why this is happening. There is some stuff I haven't told you all about but I will soon. Trust me. I'll be back once I get the answers I need. I love you all and I know this is on speaker. Goodbye for now boys," A tear slipped down my cheek as I hung up the call. Did I seriously just do that?

I felt a pair of hands snake their way around my waist and pull me into a hug. I didn't notice Travis had caught up to me, my eyes seemed to overflow when he hugged me and that sense of calm washed over me again. The waterfall of tears didn't want to stop though. I felt like me heart was being pulled out of my chest. Almost like I was feeling every emotion they were.

"It's okay Olivia. You will see them again and you will get answers. Now come on beautiful. Dry your eyes and put that light back in them that I love" he said sweetly smiling down at me, his thumb gently caressing away the stray tears. I can't understand why the boys and him don't get along, but I hope they can get over it or at least tell me why they hate him so much. Under all the mysterious layers, there was defibetly something else in there, dare I say, a heart. I haven't forgotten about Louis though, he's still an ass for taking him to begin with.

"Thank you Travis," I think that this might actually work out, I could get my answers and my Louis.

He opened the door for me and off we went to where ever he was keeping him hostage. As much as I didn't like Travis for taking Louis, I couldn't fight the pull I felt towards him. My heart rate picked up as he interlocked our hands, not taking his eyes off the road.

*****Excuse me while I go cry again. This song is forever going to be played by me. I cried when I saw Furious 7. It was beautiful but not as beautiful as this song. I though I should put it here. Love y'all ~~~~∞∞∞∞Sky

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