Back for Revenge

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Olivia's POV

Last night with Harry just added to the weight of what was to come. The boys still think I don't know about the whole "there can only be one" thing, but it's best they don't know that I know.

It's been pretty easy to hide since I can read Niall's mind. That's a new discovery I made recently. I'm pretty sure he had no idea that I can and honestly I'm not even sure how I can either. As much as it freaked me out, I had a weird feeling like I should keep it to myself so that's what I did.

Jess disappeared a week ago as well, it was truly devestating, I was just starting to like her too. We suspect it was Travis' doing, that arrogant bastard. One day she went into the woods to hunt and she never came back. Vanished without a trace.

He's was back and out for revenge it seemed like. I just hope we have enough to fight him and his little pack off.

Travis' POV

I had been listening in on her for a while now, my beautiful girl. I know where their hide out is and I understand why they chose Hawaii. It's so warm and sunny, you would never suspect a vampire to be anywhere near here, what with all the stereotypes and all. One things for sure though, I will have Olivia back where she belongs, mark my words.

Louis' POV

I honestly don't know how we got here. The past few weeks have been a blur, I haven't told anyone though. Oh look, A butterfly.

Niall's POV

I stood on the porch watching Liv sitting on the sand, lost in her own world. She looked so oddly calm considering why we were here. Aside from all the other crazy shit going on right now, she seemed relaxed. I couldn't help but stand there and stare at her in awe like a creeper, wondering what was going on in her mind. I couldn't hear her thoughts which was pretty normal at this point, annoyingly she was getting pretty good at blocking me out. She was just a moment of silence amongst the voices that I could openly hear. Peaceful.

After her date with Harry I had kind of lost all hope, I mean, how could I top that.....then we moved to Hawaii. Problem solved.

I decided to stop being creepy and walked down to the beach and sat next to her.

"Whatcha thinkin' bout?", She seemed to snap out of her daydream.

"Wouldn't you like to know", She teased. That smile was honestly warmer than the sun that was beating down on us. I couldn't help the automatic reflex that was smiling back at Liv, around her that's all I ever seemed to do.

"Uh, so Liv I was wondering..." Come on Niall, dont be a little bitch, just do it....

"Yeah....", Come on you idiot! Ask her!!

"What do you think about living forever?", Great! You blew it! Might as well see what she thinks about this anyway..

"Well", she started, "Forever... the concept isn't really a hundred percent appealing to me, in a sense. Forever young is only fun for so long I could imagine. Living forever while everyone you know and love dies around you and you just have to keep going, eighteen for the rest of eternity," I love you.

"I can vouch for you that you're absolutely right. But what about if everyone you loved, lived forever with you?" She stopped to think for a minute while crinkling her nose. She looks so cute when she does that.

"Then the world would be over populated," There is no way to win with this girl.

"Well, mabye we could just start living on the moon too. You know, even out the population."

She stared at me with a incredulous look before bursting out laughing. Music to my ears.

"Ahaha. Niall how the hell are we going to live on the moon?"

"Okay. I give up, you win. As a congratulatory measure, will you accompany me on a date tomorrow night?" Okay, I asked her. Please say yes, please say yes....

"I would be delighted to Ni"  YESSSSSSSS!!!!

Liam's POV

Ugh, I've been so caught up in the process of keeping everyone safe I haven't even gotten a chance to woo Liv. I love her to pieces but right now the only two people who have the lead on her are Niall and Harry.  I'm pretty sure Niall asked her on a date again. I mentally face-palmed myself, I need to get my shit together.

Ahhh, why is it so hard to get a girl to like you??? Oh well, I'll deal with my feelings later. Now onto more pressing matters. Where's Louis?

Louis' POV

I was sitting by some kind of grass field when they grabbed me. I mean it wasn't that hard to do, so I don't give them any kind of credit. I was literally a sitting duck, well sitting vampire, whatever. They took me to some secret camp or something, I honestly am just guessing at this point as some drab sack was placed over my head.

The only thing that's on my mind at tjis point is Olivia. Travis is looking for her and he won't stop until he has her.

 Love you my lovelies :* <3          ----------Sky

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