The Stoneway Pack

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(2 weeks later)

Olivia's POV

After our little paintball war, we spent nearly two weeks trying to clean the paint from the house,the forest and ourselves. I don't know what the hell they put in that paint, but it just wouldn't come off. As if the paint struggle wasn't enough, trouble came walking into town last week as well. We were doing just fine till the werewolves decided to show up at our house...


I woke up to the sound of an explosion outside, and not in the firework way, but in the "bitch you might die", kind of way. I flew off the bed and sprinted down the stairs to see what was going on. I saw the boys lined up defensively on one side and some strangers with fairly large guns on the offense. My eyes widened at the three that was split in half, leaning in through the gaping hole in the wall. That would've explained the explosion.

"W-What's going on?", Everyone's heads snapped in my direction. They could've gotten whiplash st the speed they all did that. Clearly whoever these people were, weren't human. I saw the strangers smirk and the boys tried not to show it, but I could tell they were increasingly alot more tense.

"Who's the pretty lady you got there boys?", the man with slick black hair asked them. He was standing at Harry's height, with a little bit of stubble coming in. I felt weird looking at him so I tore my eyes away from him and focused on the boys. Their eyes turned red. They were pissed.

"No one you are ever going to touch, Travis", Zayn spat at him, as if his name alone was pure acid on his tongue. Travis just chuckled deeply. Creep. I saw Niall smirk at my remark.

"Well boys, I think I'm just going to borrow the pretty lady for the night..." Niall stepped foward to him.

"If you touch her, I will personally rip your head off and feed it to the crows!", Yeah! Kick some ass Ni! It was rare I got to see him so riled up.

"Now get out of here mutts or we'll just kill you now!", Liam shouted at them. They disappeared fairly quickly, so I guess that further proved my theory that they weren't human.

"What was up his ass this morning?", They laugh at my comment, as it broke through the thick tension that hung in the room as we all stared at the damage before us.


Another week passed since that, we managed to get the wall patched up and they explained who the people were, after alot of persuasion. The hunters, which I learnt they were referred to as, hadn't come back and we hoped to keep it that way.

The Stoneway Pack were werewolves, which had a natural rivalry with the vampires. There was some for of tension between Travis, the alpha, and the guys which they didn't want to get into yet, but I'll have to get it out of them soon enough....

Just then, Liam walked in, breaking me out of my thought.

"Hey Li!", he smiled.

"Hey Liv. What's up?"

"Oh the sky, the birds..umm mabye aliens? At this point, anything is possible," He let out a small chuckle at my sarcastic, yet accurate, answer.

"Umm...Liv I have to ask you something....Will you-", He was cut off by the door bell ringing, he opened his mouth to continue but then just sighed and went to answer it. What did he want to ask me..? Will I what?

As I watched him open the door, his face turned sour and all that came out of his mouth was....


Yayayaayay! I edited! Loves keep reading, commenting and voting on the story.  It means the world to me when you do. ~~~~Sky

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