The Moon

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I walked over to see what they were looking at and saw...


Olivia's POV

I saw a boy standing there, he looked about our age. His jet black hair was slightly covering his bright emerald eyes. They almost seemed to be glowing.

In his hand was a small parchment scroll. It was rolled neatly and tired with a scarlet ribbon. This is not bizarre at all...

The boys all had a weird expression on their faces. They almost looked annoyed under all the confusion. As far as I could tell, they knew who the boy standing below us was.

Who is that? I said in my mind hoping Niall was listening. Which, thankfully, he was.

He's an old...friend...per say...

Explains alot Niall, thanks....

A deep annoyed voice grumbled from below us.

"What? Aren't you all going to invite your old friend Ryan inside?"

I was intrigued to say the least. I looked at them quizzically. Weren't they gonna let him in?

They all reluctantly walked downstairs to the front door. Hesitantly opening it to come face to face with...Ryan?

Wasn't he just behind our house? I'm going on a limb here that he definitely supernatural as well.

"Ah, you still have some manners left. After all these years I was beginning to think you may have forgotten how to be hospitable," He said looking in. When his eyes fell on me, I nervously shifted behind Niall. His glowing green eyes were transfixed on me and I tried to avoid eye contact as best as I could.

"Hmm, you didn't tell me you had a beautiful girl with you," I could still feel his icy gaze on me, even though I couldn't see him that well anymore.

He chuckled deeply to himself, it definitely held a underlying tone to it that was almost sinister. He beckoned me out from behind Niall.

"As, come on out love. I don't bite...hard," he laughed again, peeking at me.

I finally gathered up all the courage I had in my small body and stepped out from behind my human shield. I finally got to take a good look at him up close and god damn.

His jaw was practically carved by Michelangelo himself. His raven hair contrasted against his eyes, making them appear even brighter than they already were. He was clearly built, taking up most of the door frame, towering over me.

I hadn't realized how long I had been opening checking him out till his plump, link lips spoke up.

"What's the matter doll, never seen perfection before?", the arrogance clear in his voice. His follow up statement made my cheeks flush. He was surely used to having girls drop to his feet.

"But I'm sure you have, I mean, you have looked in a mirror,haven't you?" I ducked my head down and quickly moved back behind Niall, he protectively put his arm back, keeping me behind him.

"Ayye, don't go making our mate blush," Harry said somewhat threatened. The hint of jealousy in his voice evident.

"What do you mean "our" mate?" He sounded curious but there was something else behind it. He seemed like he already knew something about it but was sussing out what we knew.

"It's complicated," I spoke up for them.

He looked interested but didn't push it any further.

"Well anyway, I have something for you," he said holding out the scroll I had seen him holding a few minutes before.

It looked ancient, the scroll was golden and an intricate pattern was embossed into it. They unraveled it and it read as follows:

"There will come a day when more than one vampire or werewolf will share the same single mate. A choice must be made before the fifth moon rises, from the day they met onwards.
If a choice is not made, the mate dies as well as those who share that mate.
If a choice is made, the mate and the chosen one will live. Those not chosen will perish.
However there is a way to keep all involved alive after the closing ceremony. All that has to be done is-"

The lower half of the scroll was completely ripped out.

"Are you fucking kidding me?" Louis snapped.

"We need to find the rest of this scroll." Liam said. They all nodded and glowered in Ryan's direction.

"Where is the rest of this?" He looked equally confused.

"I'm sorry guys but I don't know, don't shoot the messenger. Though.."

"Get to the point!" Louis practically screamed at him.

"Though, I do have a few leads.." So he read the scroll, but why would he care...?

"Why have you been looking for leads?" Zayn narrowed his eyes at him.

"Because of Travis. He sent me out to see what I could find in relation to the curse but he thought you all should see it."

Oh, Travis sent it. I still feel bad for leaving him. He was so happy when I was with him.

"But wait a minute, the scroll said five moons till, you know. How many do we have left?" Harry asked.

"Oh my god," escaped my lips.



Wow guys. So this book is coming to an end soon. ㅠ.ㅠ. Ahh, I can't believe how far we've come in this story, I know for you all this seems like a short book, but for me this was the best book I've written. So tell me who do you guys want her to end up with, or do you want a sequel? Vote, Comment and Add this story to y'all's reading lists. Love always~~~ Skyy

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