Why is he wearing my bra?

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Olivia's POV

So, I'm somehow all of their mate and they don't even know why? I swear this day is just getting worse and worse. Dumbass vampires that apparently exist...

"Hey!" I heard the blonde one yell, what's he on about...

"I'm on about you calling us vampires asses!" How does he know that? And I called them dumbasses....

"I can read minds and same difference ", So blondie is a mind reader.. interesting..I feel like I should be more freaked out right now...

"Blondie?" He asked with a amused look on his face. His accent finally sticking out to me, Irish...cute...No Liv, snap out of it...

"Well I don't know your names so...." I said letting it drag on.

"Oh right...I'm Niall", he said holding his hand out for me, which I hesitantly took. Niall. Nice name.

"Thank You", he was smirking again, at me as he shook my hand. Ugh.

"Stop Reading my mind!" Idiot.

"Hey I heard that!"

"You were meant to", I said smirking at him.

Then the others came over and introduced themselves. Aside from Zayn, who just stood observing me. They were all really sweet..for vampires.

I could see Niall smiling to himself in the corner. Such a weirdo..

I saw him roll his eyes and I held back a smile at it as the others didn't seem to notice.

"I'm Harry" Said Curly. Yeah, I couldn't deny the curls, they were gorgeous little chocolate ringlets.

"That's Zayn", Liam gestured to Mr. Tall, Dark and Brooding. I mean, he looked the part. His dark hair perfectly styled, it should be criminal to look that good.

"I'm Liam, as you already know", said sweetheart. He seemed like it, his sweet smile offered me some comfort in this weird ass situation somehow.

"AND I'M LOUIS!" shouted Crazy. No denying that one. He practically jumped ontop of me, causing me to stumble back a bit, they all rushed foward to try and stabalize me.

"Olivia Summers" Their eyes went back to that purple colour again. Weird. Why do they keep doing that?

"Okay, why do your eyes keep turning purple?". The were still staring at me in what seemed to be...awe? I have to admit their eyes were mystical, just looking into them had me stuck again. The violet orbs were hypnotizing.

"They change according to our mood. Purple means love.", said Harry, still staring at me. Love...?

"Yes, love, and we can't help it", Niall piped up after reading my mind. YOU NEED TO STOP THAT!

"Never" He winked at me. God this boy is a handful. I turned to him. He had that stupid, gorgeous smirk plastered over his face again. I threw him a glare.

Harry's POV

I could tell Niall was constantly reading her mind. Fuck, I wish I could do that! God dammit Niall. He definitely has the advanatage over us.

Niall's POV

The glare she threw me practically turned me on more than I thought possible. Being able to read her mind was a blessing, and so was she.

Olivia's POV

"Right, umm, so, when can I go home and where are my friends?" They looked at me and then eachother. Their faces all mirrored the worried expression I probably wore.

Liam decided to speak up again. Smart one.

"Never...and we wiped their memory and sent them home." HOLD THE FUCKING PHONE. Did he just say never???

"What do you mean by NEVER?!" They shared a look again and then turned to me..

"Well...If you are our mate, we can't live without you...literally", a deep voice spoke up. Look who decides to speak for once...Zayn..

"Can we at least go to your house or cabin in the woods or whatever you all live in it's getting cold". They nodded and then Niall picked me up bridal style. I was about to protest when he took off. It was like we were in hyperspeed. In like 5 seconds flat we were at this huge cabin like house.

"Whoa", was all that could come out of my mouth. I saw all of them smirking as they watched me admire the house. Seriously weird.

"I told you, we can't help it", Niall piped up behind me causing me to jump. They're eyes were once again, purple.

(A few hours later)

We were all sitting on the sofa when I realised something. Louis and Harry are missing.

"They went to pack away your stuff", Niall answered. Wait...the cheeky one is packing away my bras?

We shared a look then we bolted upstairs. I threw open the door to find Harry wearing my bra prancing around on the bed, while Louis sat on the floor going through another pile.

"Why are you wearing my bra!?", Their heads shot in my direction and their eyes widened. They shared a look then shouted simultaneously.

"It was Louis idea!"

"It was Harry's idea!"

Children......My mates are children.

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