Mystery Meeting..?

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Travis' POV

I was on my way to meet the new recruits when my phone rang. I looked at the caller ID, Oliva..?

"Hello?",What could she possibly be calling me for? Not that I'm complaining at all..

"Umm..Travis...This is Liv..uhh..could you pick me up please?", Wow. Really? She wanted me to pick her up? Well, I sure as hell wasn't going to turn down an opportunity to spend time with her.

"Sure. Where?", She gave me the details and off I went.

Olivia's POV

After I called Travis I started walking. The woods were huge and I had no idea where I was going. I just knew I needed to take a bit of a break away from thr guys. I can't believe them sometimes. Ughhh. Wanting me to be accepting of them and hate their enemy without a shadow of a doubt, yet give me no reason as to why.

I was walking when I came to a abrupt stop, more like fall, into someone.

I opened my eyes and was immediately met by two stormy ones. It was mesmerizing. His eyes were oddly compelling, wanting me to drift further into the swirling grey. I felt a sense of calm settle over me, my heart rate slowly returning to normal. We made no attempt to move, his eye still piercing into mines, as if searching for the answer to some unasked question.

When I snapped back to reality, I realized the position we were in. The same way I was with Niall when we had that good fight in the kitchen. God, I miss them.

No Liv! Forget about them for two seconds would you. I quickly got off of Travis and helped him up. His eyes had gone back to the hazel color they were before.

"Why were your eyes grey?", I asked and he looked at me and smiled. Not smirked but smiled. It was actually a genuine one for once, and I smiled back at him. I saw the smokey colour gently creep back into his irises till they covered them.

"Because of love. When I see you I can't help it, the love I feel for you shows and my eyes go grey. Basically, when a werewolf is near their mate, their eyes change."

This was such a different side of Travis and I liked it. As much as the guys would lose their shit if they knew I was here, I sort of wasn't worried about it at that very second. Staring into those steely orbs, the rest of what was going on around didn't seem to matter as much.

But that was just a fantasy, because I knew there were still always secrets lurking around the corners. And if there's one thing I know for sure, it's that I was going to find out the truth, one way or another.

And if I could get into Travis' base,  that means I could rescuer Louis. Or at least convince Travis to let him go.

Niall's POV

Where is Olivia? I couldn't hear her thoughts anymore but I knew she went into the woods. I'll go find her myself. It was wrong to try and keep her in the dark, but there's so much she wouldn't understand. I hope she forgives me at least.

I was walking through when I heard voices. I stood as still as I possibly could behind a pine tree.

"Why were your eyes grey?", a sweet voice asked. Olivia! Wait....there's someone else there.

"Because of love. When I see you I can't help it, the love I feel for you shows and my eyes go grey. Basically, when a werewolf is near their mate, their eyes change."

Is that....Travis?! No way in hell. I moved a bit further behind the tree and tried to focus my hearing in. This mate stealing mutt.

"So Oliva, not that I'm not ecstatic that you called, but why did you need me yo pick you up? Did those asshole do something to you? Cause if they did I swe-" She called him to pick her up? She must really be mad at us.

"No, no it's nothing like that. I just need a break from the boys. I don't feel like I can talk to them at the moment, too many secrets," Oh Liv. It killed us to lie to you but don't leave, especially not with Travis.

"Ahh. So the boy band's not working out for you huh? Well I have just the solution. We can go stay at my place, it's not too far away from here actually." She nodded and off they went. After they were out of sight, I slammed my fist into the pine, splinters flying off with the birds. I sank back against the now broken wood and sighed.

If what Liv needs is some quite time she'll get it. But when she comes back, I'm going to make her mine.

Aright so as usual I fixed some stuff but let me know if there's anything you guys who rr the book see that's off. Love y'all ~~~Sky

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