My Boys

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Olivia's POV

When I woke up, the place was weirdly quiet. I briskly brushed my teeth and inched outside. The doors were all locked as far as I could tell, but the windows were open letting in the warm ocean breeze.

The sound of metal clanking together startled me and I almost threw the vase that was next to me. There was a alot of shushing, some swear words then silence. I soon realized it was coming from the kitchen.

I tried to be as quiet as I could as I sneaked up to the island.

As I peer over I couldn't help the small giggle that escaped my lips. They were all doing various tasks, covered in different food substances.

Zayn was making eggs, Harry pancakes, Liam was cutting up some fruits, Louis was attempting to get some bagels out of the toaster and Niall was...trying not to eat everything.

All of their heads shot up in my direction and their eyes widened. Harry scratched the back of his neck, smiling sheepishly.

"Good morning, Liv. Sorry if we woke you, somebody, couldn't keep quiet," he said giving Louis a pointed look. Louis rolled his eyes at him but turned and widely grinned at me.

"We made breakfast!", he beamed. I copied his expression and made my way around the island to the food. I was quickly ushered out though, by an equally hungry vampire.

"No, no, we get to treat you today," Niall led me to the dining table I didn't even realize this house had and pulled out the chair for me.

Not two minutes later they were using their vampire speed to set the table, a large breakfast spread appearing instantaneously before my eyes. It was mouthwatering to say the least.

"Guys, this looks amazing! Thank you!", I exclaimed. My eyes kept darting between the juicy pieces of watermelon and pineapple and the piles of steaming pancakes. They were all sitting around looking at me expectantly.

"What are you guys waiting on? Dig in!" I laughed, grabbed a plate and started piling things on, they quickly followed.

We ate, talked, laughed till we physically couldn't move. We all collapsed onto the couches in the lounge.

"I think I ate myself halfway to a food coma," I groaned, sprawling out. I hearing a resounding "same" echo through the room and sighed happily.

I couldn't help but love them. They put in so much effort today and I knew they were trying their best to keep my as happy as I could be after yesterday.

I cuddled into the soft fabric of one of the throw pillows, Zayn laying next to me and the others spread around on various couches.

At some point I drifted into a deep slumber with them on my mind. How the hell am I going to choose between these lovable idiots...

Niall's POV

Liv was still sleeping on the couch when I came back down. She looked like an angel, peacefully resting her head on the white fleece blanket. I walked over and gently covered her petite frame with the large throw and carefully tamed a few rebellious strands away from her face.

Ever since she came home I could tell she was alot more out of it than usual, not that I blame her. That's why we had the idea to make breakfast for her this morning, to try and lift her spirits a bit.

She looked so tormetedly beautiful, I could tell the whole mate thing was weighing on her mind. She hadn't put the walls up in her mind for the longest time, which I was definetly not complaining about.

As I sat next to her, I could almost hear snippets of her unconscious mind at work.

Why is this such a hard decision...

Why is it my decision..

Why do they all have to be so nice..

Oh my god, who are you!?


My brows furrowed for a brief second before shooting up in surprise. She practically flew off the couch and almost landed on the center table. I quickly got to her before she could trip over it and cradled her in my arms. I pulled her close to me and attempted to calm her down, she was shaking and sweating profusely.

"Shhh Liv, it's okay love, you're safe. Nothing's going to happen to you", she pulled herself tighter into my chest and cried.

I traced circles into  her back in an attempt to comfort her. When she pulled away, I softly wiped the tears off of her now slightly red cheeks. I gazed into her eyes, tears still brimming and threatening to spill over and only one thought could come to mind. I will die before I ever let anything harm you, you're my forever Olivia.

I smiled and her eyes drifted down to my lips. My eyes mimicked hers and found their way to her lips. She looked up at me throigh her lashes and I started leaning down. She reached up and delicately connected our lips.

I fell back into the sofa behind us, our lips never parting, moving in sync as we sank back into the plush fabric. Her legs were straddling mines as I seeped the kiss. It was passionate and everything I had been waiting for.

But sadly all good things must come to an end.

"Uh, I hate to break up your little makeout session here. Not really, but we have a bit of a situation," Louis said motioning for us to come upstairs.

Liv had a pink tint over her entire face and her lips looked delicious. Focus Niall. I tried not to be disappointed when she quickly got off of me and gingerly offered her hand to help me off the couch.

I took it and intertwined our fingers as we ascended the staircase.

Olivia's POV

I looked down at our hands and I couldn't have felt better. Niall smiled as he noticed me staring, and I blushed harder, if that was possible at this point.

When we got upstairs, Lou led us to the open balcony doors. When we walked out, all the other boys were already there with annoyed looks on their faces, glaring down.

I walked over to see what they were looking at and saw...

Sorry guys for the cliffhanger. So what do you think she saw? Comment it down below! Vote comment and as always I love yall! ~~~Sky

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