~Sam~ (1)

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You were so bored, that you sit on the couch in the living room and turn on the TV. You don't remember the last time you turned on the TV let alone sat on the couch. You have been to busy researching on hunts that you don't even know how many channels were on the TV. You flipped through the channels and found a show called Ghost Adventures.You are so focused into the show that you don't notice Sam walk into the living room.

"AAAHHHHHH!" Sam screams scaring you half to death.

"Oh my God!" You scream trying to hold back your tears. The show was about to get to the scary part and of course he came just then.

"Y/N, I didn't mean to scare you that bad. Sorry." Sam says trying not to burst out laughing.

You rub your eyes to remove what ever tears are there. "It's ok Sammy, wanna watch with me?" You say giggling.

"Are you going to scare me?" He jokes.

"Nah you would probably scare me again." You laugh.

He sits next to you and leans on your shoulder. You stroke his hair until the show is over. You realize that he fell asleep on your shoulder. You try to wake Sam and he keeps making humming sounds.

"Sam? Sam?" You whisper into his ear you are on guard because you feel like he is about to scare you again.

He leans up to kiss you and you kiss back. "I love you so much Y/N, you don't even know." He says as if he's reading your mind.

"I love you to Sam." You say kissing him again.

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