~Sam~ (6)

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For once Sam and Dean didn't have to go on a hunt without you. You were so used to being alone at the bunker every time you heard foot steps you thought it was a ghost or Cas. Today you were in your room on your computer, checking all of your social media and listening to music.

"Hey Y/N, you hungry?" You heard Dean call from downstairs. You jumped off your bed and walked downstairs. Sam was already downstairs grabbing his plate. You always had a soft spot of Sam, not like a crush, but more than that.

"You have to be fast to get first pick." Sam smirked. You lightly punched him on his arm and grabbed your plate. You all had a peaceful dinner and sat at he table quietly. After you all were all finished Dean stood up to leave.

"Ok, theirs nothing to do so, you guys want to play truth or dare?" You asked trying to get Dean to play with you.

"Sure." they said at the same time. You loved it when that happened.

"Ok first of all we have to all agree to swear that our answers are true! No matter the question!" You waited for a reaction and they both nodded. "Ok, I'll go first. Dean, Truth or dare?"

"Dare." Dean smirked. You smiled evilly at him which made him get a worried face.

"I dare you to call Cas when you are fully naked!" You laughed, "Don't do it right at this second but go into your room."

He got up from his chair and slowly walked upstairs.

"Ok since Dean is probably going to be awhile, truth or dare?" Sam asked. You started to get butterflies. What if you picked truth and he asked you who you liked! What if you picked dare and he said to do something totally wrong!

"Hummmm, truth."

"Are you a virgin?

"Yes.." You could feel your checks getting red. You looked straight into his eyes.

"Well dam." Sam answered, "I didn't know that!"

"Yea... Anyways truth or dare?" You asked trying to get out of the conversion.


"Do you like anyone right now? And if so who is it?" You really wanted him to say you but you knew he was going to say someone else. Thats how it always was, you liked a guy but thy never liked you.

"I do like someone and her name is Y/S/N. (your sister's name)" Sam said. You dropped your jaw as low as it could get. You didn't expect him to say your sisters name!

"Are you kidding?" You asked in shock.

Sam laughed a looked at you again. "Yes! Y/N I like you."

You closed your jaw and sat up straight. "Really." You looked at him with tears coming but you pushed them back. Sam got up from where he were sitting and walked over so he was above you.

"Y/N, I love you and I don't know if you feel the same so, I just fuck off." Sam confessed. You were so socked you got up and kissed him.

"Sammy, I love you too!" You kissed for what seemed like forever when Dean walked through the kitchen seeing you two making out.

"Really?! I was only gone for like five minutes!" Dean yelled and walked away.

You finally broke from the kiss and smiled at Sam, maybe you weren't all what you thought you were, you were better. You had Sammy to prove it!

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