~Dean~ (8)

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You woke up from your amazing sleep and felt refreshed, you stretched and looked at the calender. It was Valentines day, the day you sit in your room with popcorn and watch movies and once and a while think of how ugly you must be to not have a date. Suddenly your oh so happy mood was taken away from you, today was going to suck. You got out of bed and walked to your closet. You grabbed your black leggings, a red plaid shirt, and some comfy socks. You finished changing and walked to the kitchen.

Dean was up already cooking but Sam was still sleeping, he must have been drinking. You didn't think Dean heard you come in so you leaned on the counter. His muscular back was towards you and you had the urge to touch it but you didn't want him to know that you were there. He turned his back towards you and you crouched behind the counter. You heard him humming a song, runnin'?

"How did the night ever get like this?" Dean began to sing. "One shot and the whiskey goes down."

You decided that during the chorus you would join in.

"Bottom of the bottle hits. Waking up my mind as I through a fit." Surprisingly Dean was an amazing singer! He sang before in the Impala when you two were rocking out too AC DC but that was just for fun.

"The braking is taken me down." Here it goes.

"My hearts beating faster I know what I'm after." You began to sing with Dean. He stopped at first but then he joined in.

You two sang the entire song without any interruptions, together you were amazing! You two sounded like professionals!

"Wow, Y/N. Your'e good!" Dean said.

"Not to bad for your self either." You laughed leaning on the counter again. "What you making?"

"French toast, it should be done in like one minute." Dean grabbed two plates and set them down by you. It smelled like heaven in the kitchen. The cinnamon and sugar blended perfectly, just awesome!

He set two breads on each plate and toke out the wiped cream.

"Want some?" Dean asked.

"Of course!" You laughed. You sprayed a mountain on your bread and started to eat. "Dean this is amazing!"

"Thanks, you got something on your nose, Ill get it." He wiped his finger on you nose and got the cream off off.

"Thanks." You laughed and continued eating.

After you two were finished you started washing dishes. You hatted washing dishes but it was the least you could do, Dean cooked you breakfast after all.

"Hey Y/N, I was wondering... Are you doing anything today?" Dean asked. Your heart dropped right when he asked you.

"Um no why?" You dried off your hands and turned around to Dean. He was running a hand through his hair.

"Do you want to go out with me?" Dean questioned looking down at the floor. He was a master at making people like him. You walked over to him and lifted his chin to look right at you. You wrapped your arms around his neck.

"I would love too." You kissed him and walked back to your room. Best Valentines ever!

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