~Sam~ (4)

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~Trigger Warning~




The inner critic in you kept growing and growing. You felt so alone, so unwanted. You looked at the time, it was 10:40 pm, the next thing you looked at was the first aid kit, it had been a while since you cut but today you had to. You reached over and got the safety knife and started cutting. The blood flooded the bathroom floor but you didn't care. You liked how it stung and how the blood dripped down and hit the floor.

Suddenly you heard the door try to open. "I'm in here!" You yelled. As you tried to move the blood out of eyes reach.

"Y/N! What's going on?!" Sam yelled from outside the door.

"Nothing! Sam just please stop!" You tried to keep the door closed but Sam was too strong. He pushed open the door and saw the blood.

"Y/N, why?" Sam asked as he wrapped your wrist with a towel. You were going in and out of darkness, one minute you would see Sam the next you saw black.

Soon you woke up with gaws around your arm. You looked to your side and saw Sam sitting there staring at you. You leaned up and saw the time it was 9 am.

"Did you sleep at all Sammy? You look like a wreck." You tried to get away from the conversion that was going to take place soon. There were huge bags underneath his eyes.

"No, I was to busy thinking... Why would you do this to yourself Y/N? Don't you know that a lot of people care about you! Including me!" Sam started to yell, "Y/N if you died I don't know what I would do without you!"

Sam got up and sat right next to you on the bed. "Y/N I love you so much! Please don't do this ever again!" Sam said as he wrapped his long arms around you.

You started to cry in his shoulder, for once you had someone to cry on. Someone who you could count on. You looked at him and gave him a kiss.

"I love you too Sam!" You cried.

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