~Castiel~ (1)

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"Hey, Y/N, you ready? It's been about what an hour?" Dean yells from the research room.

"Just a second!" You yell touching up your makeup. Everything was perfect, your dress, your hair, even your body was cooperating. You looked at yourself one last time after leaving your bathroom. You walk down to the kitchen where you see Dean and Sam waiting for you.

"Wow." Sam says as you walk in.

"Daaaammm," Dean mutters under his breath, "You look hawt Y/N."

You could feel your cheeks getting red by the second. You look down and swish your dress around.

"Thanks." You hear a flap of wings and Cas is standing right behind you. Your heart is beating so loud you feel like Dean and Sam can hear it and they are on the other side of the room.

"You look nice Y/N, but why so much cosmetics?"

It takes awhile for you to realize that cosmetics are another fancy word for makeup. "Oh my gosh duh!" You laugh at your dumbness, "Because I think it makes me look better Cas, a lot of girls wear makeup." You try to reason with Cas.

"Well you don't need those products, you are beautiful just how you are." Cas explains. He leans in to kiss you and you kiss back. It is only then do you realize that Sam and Dean are still in the room with you.

You pull away and motion to Cas that Sam and Dean are still there. He looks over to them and gives them a glare.

"Oh so I'll go now because I'm all wanted and all." Dean says sarcastically.

"Yea me too." Sam follows along.

"Thanks guys!" You smile at Dean and Sam walking out the door. You look back to Cas and say, "Where were we?"

"I love you Y/N." Cas confesses.

"I love you too Cas"

You lean in and so does Cas having another kiss that you love with each second.

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